Great, just what I need, a DOG. In a house of Mers, that mutt doesn't stand a chance. Aiden calms him down behind me and I retract my claws. Leading the way, I kick over scattered boxes until we finally reach my room

Everything is blue. My walls, my comforter, my closet door, my bathroom, my dressers, and even my TV. I have pictures of the sea up everywhere and I even have a painting of the pacific ocean on my ceiling. Aiden mutters a curse and I feel my face get hot.

Maybe I have a slight infatuation with the ocean.

"You really love the beach huh?" Greyson says while fingering a picture I took in Ibiza. I stalk over and pluck his finger. He feigns hurt and flips me off.

"Yea yea, okay now get out" I mutter while pushing them out of my room. When we get back downstairs, I see that my mom has brought out the wine and I could tell she was five seconds from jumping this lady's bones. She's too nice to become Mermaid chow

"Okay!" I blurt out, making my mom's hungry eyes snap towards me "Today has been really fun, and thank you for the cookies but, I'm getting a little tired so how bout you guys go?"

I faked a yawn for emphasis and luckily for me, they got the picture. They gather their stuff to leave when the lady suddenly squeals and starts hitting her husband's shoulder.

"Honey we forgot to tell them! Riley is going to Mayfield High right?" She asked, continuing when my mom nodded "Great! Well Aiden here happily agreed to show him around! Isn't that right Aidy?"

She looked at him with an expectant gaze. He just shrugged his shoulders and took out his phone. My stomach growled loudly as I watched those slender fingers slide around his phone. I wonder what they look like on a snack platter-- NO Riley! People are friends, not food!

After they left, I took a quick shower and climbed into my bed. I decided to feed after school tomorrow. Even though, I knew what that would do to me, I couldn't bring myself to harm somebody just so I could eat. Technically harming an animal is just as bad but at least I don't have to deal with it begging for its life

Sounds drift up to my bedroom and I hold my breath to listen. The familiar squishy-crunching sound lets me know what's going on downstairs. Some poor unfortunate soul just became my parent's dinner. Smacking and moaning follow afterward and I make as much noise as I can to let them know that I'm awake, and that I hear them.

The sounds cease altogether. They burst out laughing a minute later and I snarl at them from upstairs. With an agitated huff, I turn over and will myself into a dreamless sleep.

"Get. The. Hell. Up!" My mom yells as she smacks my head with a pillow. I groan and roll on my side, hopeful that she will just go away. Instead, she plots right on top of me and licks my ear. I jump up in disgust and sneer at her.

"Mom! What the hell, that's so gross!" I shudder and she sticks her tongue out at me.

"Well you wouldn't get up! If I unexpectedly poured water on you, that would have been a bigger issue. You know how big our tails are" She exclaims, throwing her hands in the air. I point towards the door and she pouts before reluctantly leaving. I shower and do my morning routine then head downstairs.

A plate full of mangled flesh and bones appears in front of me, making my mouth instantly water. Dad waves the plate in front of me as if I were a dog and it was a bone. I rolled my eyes and pushed him out the way, making him laugh as he takes a few mouth fulls.

I grimace and grab an apple instead. Taking a bite, I savor the sourness of the granny smith apple before it melts into sweetness in my mouth. This won't give me the satisfaction I need but it's something! Finishing my very light breakfast, I give mom and dad kisses then grab my keys and head outside.

Hopping into my 2015 Beamer, I peel out of the driveway while pulling up google maps. The drive to school isn't too far and I make it there in under 15 minutes. As I exit my precious child, a familiar scent attacks my senses.

Blood. Lots of it

I couldn't help myself and followed the scent, my teeth sharpening in the process. I tried to regain control of myself but the murderous merman in me wants to know what smells so delicious. I come up to the boy's bathroom and my eyebrows raise.

Walking in, I heard snarls and growls everywhere. A fight! On my first day too? Score! Time to scope out the competition. I have no idea who these people are but that doesn't stop me from dropping my bag and enjoying the show.

The fight goes on for ten more minutes before one of them gets knocked out. I take a look at the winner and my cock hardens at the sight. Light green wild eyes search the room and land on me. His body is COVERED in tattoos. Trailing from his neck to his hands and maybe even lower. His body looked like it was sculpted by the gods, ripped chest, ripped legs, ripped ass. His brown hair is slicked back and now covered in sweat.

Leaking from his precious nose was the most orgasmic smelling blood ever. He stalked towards me with narrowed eyes and I pressed up against the bathroom stall to get away from that intoxicating smell. His biceps flex, making my eyes shoot towards it. He chuckles at my lust-filled gaze and I swear my cock jumped in my jeans.

Don't get closer I plead mentally I won't be able to control myself!

He stops and leans down towards my face. Taking a deep whiff, his eyes blaze a bright yellow color and he sneers in my face.

"You smell like saltwater" He smirked but I barely heard him. My eyes were trained on his upper lip. The gorgeous red liquid was just asking for me to taste it.

"HEY! Whatchu staring at? What you wanna give me a kiss?" He yells, making his buddies laugh in the background


I give in to the temptation and grab a hold of his face. His eyes widen in shock, then in horror as I lick a path from his chin to his nose.


Don't you guys just love a fourth wall break?

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