Chapter 1: intro

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Blood brothers 1

A/N: Hello guys! I will be fixing and re-writing some of this because I wasn't too happy with the result so it will be a little different then the original draft.

This plot was based off "Blood brothers the musical" but you don't have to know what that is in order to understand this story. It's different.


I don't own Ducktales or blood brothers.

"This can't be happening"Della said to herself as she dusted. She had just heard back from the doctor that she was having triplets. Her husband had just left a month ago, she's very poor, she can barley afford one child let alone three, she couldn't ask her brother for help because he was lost at sea, and after the huge fight with her uncle Scrooge, she'd rather die then go to him. She worked as a maid to a Miss Margaret Saxony, she didn't make much but she did what she could.

Mrs Saxony walked in with a sigh, Her husband just told her that he wouldn't be back for another seven months and so she felt lonely, and sort of abandoned. Margaret was unable to have children of her own even if that's all she ever wanted. She had asked her husband several times if they could adopt a child but he believes that if they were supposed to have a child then they'd naturally have one.

She put her keys down as Della grabbed her coat "Oh good morning Della"She said.

"Good morning miss"Della said sadly. Miss Saxony noticed Della was crying "Is something wrong my dear?"Margaret asked. "Please sit down".

Della sat next to her and explained "I can barley afford to have one child...Children can't live on love alone, I'll have to work at least three jobs to keep bread on the table."

Margaret knew Della was expecting, it wasn't fair that a poor woman could have kids but not herself. "You are having twins?"She asked.

"Not twins...triplets"Della explained.

Miss Saxony thought of something, something that could solve both of their problems "I could raise one of the children!"She said.


Margaret fell on her knees "Please Della, all I had ever wanted was a child of my own, plus you'd get to see him every day because you work here"She said.

"I can't just give away a baby"She said.

Miss Saxony then said "Then let's just say he's mine, say that's I didn't want to tell my husband in case the baby didn't make it. Oh please Della, I'd do absolutely anything to have a child of my own."

Della considered it. Of course she'd love them, does she love them enough to give one up for a better life? Of course she did, but was this a good idea? Two would grow up with her while one lived alone? I guess he wouldn't be alone, she'd take care of him. And Della would see him every day after that.

"You'd have to swear, make it a unbreakable commitment to one another" Miss Saxony said.

Della thought once more "Agreed"She promised and from then on they thought of nothing else.


Months later the eggs had hatched Della didn't tell Margaret just yet because she wanted some time with them before one of them goes. She named them Hubert, dewferd and Llewelyn. She couldn't look away, she loved them, the three of them together brought her joy, she couldn't bare the thought of loosing one. Maybe she could convince Margaret to let her keep them longer.

The next day Margaret came to check on the eggs "They're born?"She asked.

Della didn't even realize she was there "Oh yes..."

"Why didn't you tell me?"She asked yet she was overjoyed to see them.

"Please Margaret...can't I keep them?...for just a couple more days?"Della asked.

She shook her head"My husband returns tomorrow Della, I want my baby". Hearing her say "MY BABY" broke dellas heart.

"Go ahead...choose the one you want."Della looked away.

Margret looked at each one, they're names were on each crib she knew which one she wanted "I'll take-"


Magret took huey and walked away. Della wished she had just talked to her uncle.


Della noticed something odd about Llewelyn, she couldn't explain she just knew, she took him to the doctor and they said he had a very serious case of the flu, Della had no choice, she can't afford to keep taking him to the doctor, she couldn't afford to lose another baby. She approached her Uncle Scrooge and asked him to take care of Llewelyn until he was better, he agreed and their family bond reunited. Della missed Hubert and Llewelyn but she knew she'd see them again.

Dewferd was the only thing to keep her staying strong in a tough situation.


Margaret loved Huey like her own child, she had told her husband that he was their own. Both of them we're thrilled to have him. Except..Della kept fussing over him, trying to hold him, and feed him. It made Margaret very jealous. She didn't want huey loving Della more then her. "Della stop messing with him and do your actual chores!"She said.

"I'm sorry miss it's just he looked like he was hungry and-"

"Della! He's not yours anymore"She said "Leave him alone!" Della did so.

Margret knew what to do. She asked her husband if they can fire Della and hire someone else. He agreed that it was up to her.

After the day was done she told her "Miss Duck you're fired."

"Fired?"Della asked "I have three-"


"Two kids to feed, and you promised I'd see Huey every day"Della said.

"Look, I thought about it I'm willing to pay you 1,000$ for your work"She said.

"Fine, I'll take my baby and I'll go home"She said reaching for Huey.

"Your baby?"She asked "We had a deal, he's mine!"

"You Also said I'd be able to see him!"She said.

"Haven't you ever heard of the quints curse?"She asked.


"Any child born a twin, triplet or even quints can't ever be separated, if they ever are they can't know the truth or they shall parish. So if you ever tell the boys they're triplets you'll kill them!"She said.

Della stuttered "I don't believe you"She said.

Margaret gave her a book, it was confirmed. Though it was obviously fake Della believed it to be true. Della said goodbye to Huey...forever.

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