"Good...Now answer me honestly. When it happened did it feel right or good?" he scratched his chin a little "What I mean did it feel you know the same or..." you cut him off by shaking your head."When it happened. I knew something was off but from the memories, I had of us but it was his face. I wasn't strong enough..." he grabbed your face pulling you forward.

"Stop I don't want to hear you weren't strong enough. I don't care about that. I'm just glad your back here. We'll take everything slow again. Everything in your time no matter how long it takes for you to be ready." he smiles rubbing his thumb over your lips. "I know this is selfish and well you can say no...But can I just hold you in my arms." he sighs his mask slips to show you how insecure he feels.

Taking a gulp you move your body to in front of his so you're sitting in front of his legs. Your shaking not knowing if he still wanted you as you feel his arms wrap around your body pulling you into his as you feel his head push against your neck. Sitting there in silence you feel his tears fall on your shoulder as you sit there your own tears falling once again as you lean your body into his you hear small sobs. "I thought I had lost you" he whispers as you feel his legs wrap around your body like he needs to hold you from someone taking you again.

Stroking your hands down his arms you interlock your fingers with his as you lean your head on top of his. "I thought I had lost you" you whisper back before turning to kiss his head. Sure you had gone through something awful but those around you're suffered too. He was taken and you don't know what happened but you knew why he was kidnapped.

"Katsuki. Did they hurt you?" you whisper making him lift his head to look you in the eyes. "No..." he looked at you let go of his hands to turn to look at him. "I'm very broken right now..." your voice is barely a whisper. "Will you help me?" you look into his eyes as his change to ones still with something deep down but with determination. "Only if you'll help me?" he places his hand on your cheek. "I'll do anything for you" you smile sweetly as he places his forehead to yours.

"Good. This has broken me as well" he sighs "It's my fault All Might lost his power" he looked at you his eyes massive filling with tears. "No it was the villain's fault. If it was your fault then it was mine too" you sigh as he realises you were taken to. After that, you don't say much else for a few moments before he pulls you into his body your skin against each other. "Normally I'd fuck your brains out right now and tell you how stupid you are," he growled as he kissed your neck making you jump. "I guess the fact you had surgery gets you off the hook for now," he smirks pulling away.

His hands go up your neck entwining within your hair pulling you forward towards his lips "I best retake what's mine. Since some shitty extra got jealous" he snarls pulling your lips against his as you instantly both start to kiss each other hungrily, desperately and in the kiss holds the promise of the fact no one will ever take the other one again. As you both pull away "You know you should let the extras know what happened. They're worried and won't go to bed until you go see them and eat." he smiles "Tonight we can stop in my room and I'll hold you as long or as little as you want." he looks into your eyes.

"We're a team" he smirks "The best team also I saw Kirishima and Mina hugging when you were pulling the plant out your body" he smirked as you grinned "About fucking time" you giggle as he bites your neck making you wince from the surgery "Katsuki" you groan as he laughs "(f/n) let's clean each other up before I don't care anymore and fuck your brains out. I don't want to have to explain that to Recovery Girl" his eyes hold mischief and security. "Ok." you laugh before you wash each other as he washes your hair before you wash his making it flat.

He gets out helping you up drying you off before helping you into your clothes "Sit I'll do your hair" he smiles as he looks at you in his top. "Any reason we're matching?" you look at him in the mirror "Because you look hot in my top" he smirks as he brushes your hair before braiding it for you. "You'll need this" he smiles placing the necklace around your neck with the cat and grenade on it. Placing your hand on it you smile as he kisses your head "Ready?" he smiles at you in the mirror as you nod.

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now