Part 6

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Jack's POV~

Screams. I just finished a generator when screams echoed through the field,due to trees and it being dark and boulders laying around I couldn't be sure where the screams came from. I tightened my pony tail and walked in the direction the screams were last heard,another scream swam in the air and towards my ears. I began to run,I ran towards the scream and I saw Wade clutching his arm as it bled,it had an axe cut in it. I bent down next to Wade and gave him a soft smile "we have to s-save Mark" Wade whispered,the pain getting to him. I think me and Bob were in too much shock to feel any pain. I sat Wade beside a boulder as I contemplated everything,Bob is missing but if I can find him then he can help Wade. Bob is an observer as am I but he's always been better at it and due to my not having my glasses my eyesight wasn't grand. "Jack...where were you? Me and Mark needed you" I shrugged "I was doing generators,I have to do one more before I find Bob" Wade shook his head "he's the monster" and I frowned. "C-can you get Mark?" I sighed before I nodded "find a chest,they have first aid kits" Wade nodded and I went off to find the last generator. In the middle of the field,out in the open,no boulders,trees or fog hid the generator. I crawled closer and began to work,surprisingly I wasn't hurt and no one came after me. An earth shattering scream made me cover my ears and I looked far off to see Mark on a hook. My vision flashed and Mark's body was yellow,I walked towards him and looked up at him,sudden rage filled me. "Did I upset ye?" I whispered,loud enough for Mark to hear,he looked down at me with a look of confusion "how? How on earth would you do that?" I smiled "I didn't die like you intended me too" and Mark scoffed "I had a fight with Bob about this...even his monster seems mad" I just nodded. "Why did ye leave me Mark?" I asked quietly,I wasn't scared I just wasn't really into confrontation and I didn't want to fight Mark but I would if necessary. I heard a rustle in the bushes and Bob popped out,just like Wade he had an evil grin. "Dˀiˀdˀnˀ'tˀ yˀoˀuˀ wˀaˀnˀtˀ tˀoˀ sˀeˀeˀ Mˀaˀrˀkˀ sˀuˀfˀfˀeˀrˀ? Aˀfˀtˀeˀrˀ wˀhˀaˀtˀ hˀeˀ dˀiˀdˀ..." I shook key head and Bob sighed before he swung his axe at me,I ducked and yanked Mark off the hook before I threw him on my back. We ran through the field before I found Wade,he was healed and had a medkit "found it" he chuckled before he began to bandage Mark up while I stood watch. I did run as FAST as I could so we could have lost Bob... After Wade was done with Mark all three of us walked to find the exit,we needed to find it together so we could all get out. Mark found the exit and we ran for it and all escaped,we ended up in a field and Mark was missing "fook..." I muttered before I ran and hugged Bob,Wade cried into Bob's shoulder and Bob shushed him,we were like a family. "Jack I have to tell you,Mark doesn't think of you as a friend. He called you a fan and he didn't know that you were gonna redrawn,he set you up to die Jack" Bob explained and tears spilled down my face as I sat on the grassy field and cried. Bob and Wade hugged me from the sides and back until we spawned in the game,I just completely broke down. I hate this game,we're never getting out of here and Mark hates me. Bob and Wade went to find generators and they had to drag me out the exit and heal themselves. Once we were in the field again Mark glanced at me and we locked eyes but before either of us could say anything Wade had punched Mark and he was on the floor,Bob soon joined in before Mark was a barely breathing man on the floor. Soon everything became dark and I was worried,I was left alone. I saw perks in front of me and I smiled,I know I shouldn't but I did. "Let's make Mark pay" I grinned before I chose my perks and weapon. I had never seen Bob,Wade or Mark use his perks but then again I wasn't around when Mark was the monster. Wade said Mark was terrifying because he could turn invisible and he could hit us with a skull spine,but me and Mark played that character. I shook the thought from my mind,Mark will pay.

Mark's POV~

I woke up in a daze and everything sounded like it was under water "we should leave him after what he did" I heard Bob and silence came from Wade. "It will be hard to leave a friend behind but I guess he's not a friend anymore" Wade sighed and I heard the pair walk off. When I sat up moments later my body ached. I'm so fucked.

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