Part 5

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Bob's POV~

Mark looked at me in shock and I gave him a little chuckle "if you were left behind you would be upset too!" "But I didn't leave you behind did I!" Mark screamed and I laughed again "I hope you fucking rot in this game Mark" "really? You've known me longer and Jack is just a fan!" Mark yelled and I punched him in the stomach "he was a fan of you! When he met you he didn't have to be nice to us but he was! He became a friend Mark and and one point he was a best friend! Then he became depressed and we were all there for him! 2017 was our collab year! And no when we finally record a video for the first time this year with him you leave him!" Mark propped up on his elbows and looked up at me "we're not in a video Bob! This is real life!" Mark cried before he stood up and shoved me "Jack's gonna respawn anyway" Mark defended "when I died did you know I was going to respawn?" Mark stayed silent "you mother fucker! If we didn't respawn Jack would be dead forever like me because you left him!" Mark looked at his feet "ya know what? Fuck you" Mark mumbled and I chuckled "I hope I'm the monster next so I can fucking end you" Mark just shrugged "why not do it now?" "Because I want Jack to see you die" the corners of my vision went black and Mark was gone,he was withering away,I smirked before darkness over took me. I guess Jack died then. I woke up in a filed like before except it was night time and the only light to guide me was the moon light. "Jack?" I called out and silence was heard "fuck" I muttered before I felt someone touch my back,I turned to see no one. The room went dark and I was asked what perks I want,SHIT.

Wade's POV~

I woke up in a field and the sky was dark,the only light was the moonlight and my gut twisted as I saw Bob dying in front of me. I sat up and was lightheaded,once it subsided I rose to my feet and groaned "all I wanted to do was record a video" I muttered before I felt a tap on my shoulder,I turned to see Mark who's head was bleeding a bit but he was otherwise fine. "Hey Mark,you got away" tears brimmed my eyes "I killed Bob and Jack" I sobbed and Mark pulled me in for a hug "there,there. It's okay" I nodded and pulled away from Mark "we're in the game Dead By Daylight,everyone respawns so it's okay" I was gobsmacked. "How the FUCK did we end up here!" I yelled and Mark shushed me "we don't know how close the monster is..." I crouched down and Mark did the same in front of me,we squatted around until we came across a generator. We worked on it together before I got it wrong and I could suddenly hear my own heartbeat in my ears "please don't be Bob,please don't be Bob" I heard Mark mutter and just as I was about to ask about it a shadow covered the generator. Making it impossible to see without the moonlight,Mark turned and groaned "FUCK you Bob!" Mark screamed and I turned to see Bob. He was dressed in purple shirt that said 'Dieskerm' and instead of headphones on the Bob's head there was an arrow going straight through it. Bob's t-shirt was ripped and seemed clean,he had an axe in hand and was grinning,his eyes were a dark purple to match his shirt and his jeans had rips at the knees. Bob swung his axe and hit a boulder beside us,the axe bounced off it and hit Mark in the head,knocking him out. I looked up at Bob with pleading eyes before I gave Mark a wet willy in desperation. He woke up. We bolted from Bob but in the panic of seeing him we separated. Fuck. I couldn't hear my heartbeat anymore and I sighed in relief before I circled back and found the generator again,I finished it and my vision flashed as it told me there was one generator to do. I smiled and thought that Jack could have helped and so could have Mark which meant who was Bob messing with? I heard a scream in the distance and sighed "atleast it ain't me" I muttered "oˀrˀ sˀoˀmˀeˀoˀnˀeˀ sˀtˀeˀpˀpˀeˀdˀ iˀnˀ mˀyˀ bˀeˀaˀrˀ tˀrˀaˀpˀ" I froze before I turned slowly "hi Bob" Bob waved as his wicked grin grew "hiya Wade" I sucked in a breath before I ran in the direction of the scream. I need help! I ran as fast as I fouls but Bob was faster,if I didn't hide and dodge I would be dead by now. I found Mark in a bear trap and stopped to help him when Bob swung at my arm,I screamed and held it in pain before I hid behind a boulder. Bob swung at Mark and he screamed while Bob put him over his shoulder and began to carry him to the nearest hook. "Jack!" I yelled but no response. Jack?

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