MOVIE NIGHT!! Gone wrong...

Start from the beginning

He rose from his chair almost too abruptly and made his way towards the parlor.

" Selena could you please pass the pot stickers." Violet asked.

I just remembered I had them to myself for a bit too long. Just as I went to grasp the bowl Count Olaf swooped in and grabbed handfuls of them and stuffed them in his mouth.

"Their all gone." He muffled out with his mouth stuffed. That's disgusting. I still wanted some more too. I learned back in my seat and crossed my arms feeling upset.

"You disgust me." Sunny mumbled out.

He barely acknowledged her before waltzing out of the room.

*A few moments later*

I changed into my clothes quickly and we were now heading to the car to see the movie. I was bouncing with excitement.

"Klaus I can't wait any longer, we've gotta go now if we want the best seats!" I squealed in glee.

"Whoa there! I'm sure we'll get wonderful seats I promise." He smiled softly at me to which I returned.

'Stephano' suddenly zoomed past us and graciously side bumped Klaus whilst rushing to the passenger seat area of the car.

"Shotgun!" He called out and went into the car. "Hurry up now, Tick-toc. We don't vant to miss the previews and all the excessive commercials." He chattered as we all got into our seats. Monty shut the door and made his way around the car.

"We don't know what your up to but we'll find out." Violet threatened him.

"And when we find out I don't think a criminal like you will enjoy prison." I added in.

He only turned slowly pulling out the big knife he greeted us with before.

"If anything happens to us you'll never get her hands on the Baudelaire fortune." Klaus said.

"If I wanted to harm you orphan your blood would be streaming out this car like a waterfall. No I am not going to harm a hair on any of your heads. At least not on purpose because accidents happen all the time." He said in a threatening voice but got cut off by Monty who entered the car. Immediately he turned around carefully concealing the knife.

"And that is what I said to him, the frog is the greatest relative known to man." He said in his fake voice acting as if he didn't just threaten us.

"Frogs are amphibians." Klaus retorted back.

"What?" He questioned.

"Stephano where did you study herpetology?" Monty questioned.

"I don't know anything about mouth sores." He said in a serious voice. He's kidding right?

He turned the radio to an upbeat song to avoid the question.

"Ooo I love this song!" He said before going back to being silent.

The car ride was very fun, by fun I mean boring. I learned my head against the window and watched as the scenery changed slowly to one filled with buildings instead of the dusty road we had travelled past before. I enjoyed some of the upbeat songs that came on but the others were not as fun.

We finally reached our destination and my mood was instantly replaced from bored to excited. The queue only had one lady so we were extremely lucky. It looked amazing outside.

"I just thought it would be nice to get out and see a movie, I need more exciting things in my life and I think it's because my life is boring." The lady in front of us rambled to the ticket seller.

A More Fortunate Series Of Events (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now