Chapter 17: Get your hoe hands off of him

Start from the beginning

"Lady? Where?" he asked with a stumped expression. He then stopped his gaze on Jenna, a smirk growing on his face. "I only see a gorilla."

My mouth dropped even wider, watching the two of them start to quarrel and fight again. Jenna started to push Killian who was laughing his butt off at his own twisted joke.

"G-G-Guys, please don't fight, violence is never the answer," I said, wincing as Jenna tried to punch Killian who swiftly dodged. "Jenna, please don't hurt Killian!"

Jenna stopped and turned towards me, the dark expression on her face slowly vanishing.

"Who are you?" she asked blankly, only just realising my presence.

Killian pulled me to his side with a wide smile, giving me another small squeeze.

So much for avoiding his touch.

"This is Jones- Uh, I mean Carter," he looked towards me with a sheepish smile. "Habits," he chuckled with a shrug, which made me blush. "Carter, meet gorilla- Uh, I mean Jenna," he said, looking back towards the girl whose face was now bright red, but not because she was flustered. "Habits," he added with a smug grin.

Jenna let out a heavy sigh, deciding to ignore the childish comment and extending her hand with a warm smile. "Hi, it's nice to meet you Carter."

I was about to shake it but Killian took my hand and pulled it away, eyes still on Jenna.

"Oi, keep your hoe hands away from him, the boy's precious," he snapped.

"Hoe hands? That's rich coming from someone who switches partners quicker than his socks," she retorted, hands on her hips. Before Killian could answer to her, a group of boys came over and roughly pushed Killian, making him stagger a few steps forward.

Was everyone trying to hurt this boy?!

I turned around and my eyes widened as I saw that it was Luke and some other jocks. 

"What the fuck?" snarled Killian. I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to witness another fight, but when I opened them, Killian and the other guys were actually doing a cool handshake instead.

Which was when I remembered that Killian was actually friends with these people.

"You made it," smirked Luke with a confident smile, revealing a shallow dimple on his right cheek. He was shorter than Killian, but tall enough to be the captain of our school's football team. In fact, they all were. And it made me feel like I was standing in a forest full of trees with hair instead of leaves.

Luke then looked down towards me and I quickly sheltered behind Killian, clutching onto his shirt while keeping my eyes on my feet.

"And you brought a nerd?" he snorted, making his friends laugh. I frowned.
I wouldn't have minded if I was made fun of alone, but the fact that Killian saw me in such an embarrassing position made me feel uncomfortable. Who knows? Maybe he'll start making fun of me too.

"Well, it was better than coming with you so," Killian shrugged and the other guys all let out a taunting "ooooh".

Luke remained unbothered, playing it cool by running a hand through dark hair.

"Whatever, will you just come with me? My cousin begged me to bring her here just so that she could see you."

Killian blinked blankly at the new discovery. "You have a cousin?"

"Yeah, you fucked her last month doofus," Luke growled, punching him in the arm. I didn't know if it was out of hatred or friendship, but it looked like it hurt because Killian scrunched his face.

"If it was last month, then why does she want to see me now?" He hissed, rubbing his arm.

"Hey, you owe her that much after treating her like trash. Just so you know, if you weren't my friend, I would've already beaten you to a pulp."

"Wow, wow, wow, hang on there," said Killian, shaking his head. "First of all, I didn't treat her like trash. I specifically told her that it was a one night stand, it's not my fault if she expected more than that."

I didn't know who Luke's cousin was, but for some reason, I felt bad for her after hearing Killian say that so heartlessly.

"Secondly, only in your dreams would you be able to beat me up. And thirdly," said Killian, cocking a brow. "We're friends?"

"Will you just come?" sighed Luke heavily. "I'm not up for your bullshit right now Killian."

Killian put his arm around me.

"I can't, I'm watching over-"

"It's fine," I quickly said. I didn't want Killian to leave, but I also didn't want him to stay. Moreover, I didn't want to be anywhere near Luke right now, or ever for the matter of fact. He didn't even seem to recognize the person whose life he once turned into a living Hell!

"No Jones, I'm not leaving you," frowned Killian sternly, tightening his grip as if he was scared that he'd lose me.

"I'll be okay, so go with him," I said, my voice turning slightly strained. "Please just go."

Killian pursed his lips, pushing Luke away who kept pestering him to hurry up while keeping all his focus on me.

"You sure?" he asked and I nodded. He looked towards Jenna. "Hey J, I'll be back in a few minutes so take care of him until then, okay?"

"I thought you said to keep my hoe hands away from him," she said, arms crossed over her chest.

"I said to take care of him, not touch him," he growled as he was being dragged away by Luke and his friends. "Jones is a precious boy who must remain innocent and untainted," he yelled as he started to get further and further away. "Don't give him any alcohol or drugs, and I swear, if anyone-"

But his voice was muffled by the music and he disappeared into the crowd of half-drunk teens who were still "dancing".

"Since when did he start acting all responsible?" snorted Jenna.

I squeezed my small hands. "Are Killian and Luke really friends?" I asked worriedly.

She chuckled. "Yeah, they've got this love slash hate relationship going on which makes most of the girls go crazy over them. They've already got a ship name," she cackled. "Some people use "Lillian", others "Kuke."

"Kuke?" I asked confusingly. It kind of sounds like 'puke'

She looked towards me with a smile.

"Anyway, enough about those two hooligans. You must be thirsty. How about we head to the kitchen and grab a drink?"

"Do you guys have water?" I asked, following her into the house. The smile on her face made me slightly anxious, but since Killian trusted her, I guess I shouldn't worry too much, right?

"Sure," she grinned.


A/N: Okay, I know that Luke is a bully but I lowkey kind of like the friendship he has with Killian. I've always liked the harsh love/hate relationship between some characters (those "girls" Jenna was talking about may or may not have been referring to me whoops 😂) Anywayyy, ya'll already know that shiz is about to go down at this partay 👀
And has anyone noticed how Killian swears much more when he talks with his friends compared to when he talks with Carter. Details hunny, details 👏👏👏

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