"I have decided!" Koenma states cheerily as we walk in. "What binky breath?" Yusuke questions, smirking as he gets Koenma riled up. "Shut it Yusuke! Anyway, I decided to let Hiei and Kurama do the inspection and once you're done on this side I want to see if we can send you two back with Kiri. Once there you can take a look at that side of the well." he tells us, apparently proud of coming up with the idea.

"Hey, why just them!? This actually sounds pretty interesting." Kuwabara complains.

"Because I trust them to do a better job at this and since they blend in pretty well for being demons, they can mingle with humans and demons alike if necessary. Of course, we must be cautious. We don't want to do something that might change the course of time." Koenma explains. I nod at him, thankful that he took notice of that.

"Well, I'm not bothered. It means I finally get some me time. Say Kuwabara, you get the snacks while I'll go get us some booze." Yusuke says happily. "Hell yeah Urameshi!" Kuwabara calls out, looking excited.

"There will be no laying about Yusuke. You and Kuwabara will be on standby, so no alcohol!" Koenma scolds.

"Jeesh, way to ruin the fun. No matter, I game better when sober. I'm going to crush you Kuwabara!" Yusuke dares, pumping his fist in the air. "Bring it on!" is his reply.

I blink at them. What game would get them so riled up? Surely they aren't planning on playing Go. "You two can go now, but stay close." Koenma orders them. They nod before rushing out of the room. "Have fun you guys!" Kuwabara shouts before slamming the door shut, making me cringe.

Koenma clears his throat, annoyed at the teenagers' behavior. "Well, let's get to business. Kiri, you will have to get your friend to help us out."

"I'll take care of it. The sooner this is over with, the better. I already understand there is no way out of this, so it's best we just make the most of this. Make it swift and efficient." I say, ready to get started.

"Thank you for understanding, I know this is a great bother to you and could possibly get you in some form of trouble." I nod at his consideration. "I just want to show you that the passage is safe. I can't be responsible for you shutting Kagome and myself off from my era." I tell him. That would be a disaster for sure.

"Well then, when do we start?" Kurama asks, getting to the point.

"As far as I'm concerned you leave tomorrow, that way you have time to pack and arrange things with your mother." Koenma states. Kurama nods in thanks. "You can go about your business now, tomorrow morning I will send you three off to Kiri's friends' house. Until then I want at least one of you to stay close to Kiri and make sure she feels at home." I shake my head at his words. Giving me a feeling of being at home? In this world? Good luck with that.

~3rd person point of view

As soon as they stand outside, Hiei snorts. "I'm leaving. I'm not here to work as a babysitter. Have fun with the dog, fox." he says disappearing. Kurama sighs annoyed. He doesn't mind entertaining Kiri a while longer, but this means she will have to come with him to his mother.

"He sure is one big ball of sunshine, no?" Kiri asks sarcastically. "He's alright once you get to know him, but it takes some time." he says leading the way.

On the way they come across Botan. "Hey you guys! What are you up to?" she asks smiling brightly. "Oh, Botan. Can I ask you a favor?" Kurama asks, sidetracking the girl. "Hm?"

About half an hour later, Botan looks down at her work. "It really took a lot of make-up, but your crest is finally unnoticeable. You'll be able to go into the human world without a hitch now, just as long as you keep your ears covered." Botan giggles. "I know the drill Botan, thanks." Kiri says making sure her hair is covering her ears.

Kurama nods satisfied. "Can you get us a portal Botan?" he asks. "Sure thing." she chimes. And not a minute later, the swirling vortex appears again. "Well, take care you two!" chirps Botan, making the other two nod before disappearing from her room.

Kurama is impressed at how well Kiri can act like the things around her aren't completely new to her, though every now and then her eyes shift around curiously. "So what do you think of this world Kiri?" Kurama asks, striking up a conversation.

She glances at him. "It's interesting, but rather hectic though. There is so much going on, I wouldn't mind learning more about this place, but I suppose that's not really an option." she states, sounding slightly disappointed.

"Why not? If all goes well, you could come back and visit." Kurama tells her.

"Would Koenma allow that?" she questions hopefully. Kurama nods confidently. "I'm sure it's okay."

"Okay than, maybe I will come back." Kiri says smiling. Kurama smiles as well, glad they are getting along pretty well. He didn't imagine it possible after the previous day, but Kiri is actually a very calm and gentle person when she doesn't feel threatened.

~Kiri's point of view

As we continue on our way, he suddenly speaks up, "I want to apologize for yesterday." Kurama says. "We shouldn't have acted so rashly."

I shake my head. "It was all my fault for not backing down. I forced you to fight." I say, knowing it's the truth.

"You were only protecting your friend. You had every right to be defensive. If we didn't threaten you in the first place, things would have gone a lot more smoothly I believe." he counters.

"No matter Kurama, what's done is done. We should look ahead to what's to come instead." I say, believing that is the best way to go. I'm not one to hold a grudge. Kurama nods in agreement before coming to a stop.

"This is where I live..." he says, pointing at a rather quaint house. "Would you like to come in?" he asks.

"Won't your mother mind?" I ask, unsurely. "Not at all, but I must warn you. She knows nothing about demons." he tells me.

"Not even about you being a demon?" I ask surprised. This confuses me. "No." he confesses.

"How does that work?" I question curiously. "I promise I will tell you later, but when in my mother's presence, just call me Shuichi instead." I'm still confused but nod anyway. Whatever floats his boat I guess.

A Blast From The Past (YYH/Inuyasha crossover) Kurama x OCWhere stories live. Discover now