Sweete's (Eat Me)

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We found a cute little diner on the corner of 3rd, 4th, and 5th street called 'Sweete's' it was a quiet night, the only noise was that of George parking his car. "Ready love?" George asked as he grabbed my hand.

"Mhm." I replied as he opened the door for me. "Thank you." I whispered as George nodded.

The place smelled of sandwich meat, French fries, and coke. There were pictures hanging off the wall, ripped booths, old music blasting from the kitchen, and a whiny lady named Dottie behind the counter. "How many?" Her rich nasally Scouse accent asked as I lightly covered my ears.

"Two." George replied as he placed his hand behind my back.

"I'm not eating here." I whispered as George looked at me, with worried eyes.

"One minute love." George said to Dottie, as she placed the menus down sucking her teeth. George pulled me to the side.

"What's wrong now Julia?" He asked as I looked around. George looked around too and then rested his eyes on me, with a stern look on his face. "So? This place has great food, yea it may be a bit roughed up but it's a great place. Appearance doesn't always matter love." He added as he leaned in to kiss me.

I dodged the kiss as I walked up to the counter, "two please." I whispered as Dottie scoffed.

"You sure this time?" She asked with her hands on her hips as I rolled my eyes a bit.

"As sure as I'll ever be." I whispered as she escorted George and I to our seat. "Pattie, one of my servers will be with you both shortly." Dottie spoke as she gently placed the menus in front of George and my face.

"Thank you love." George smiled as Dottie blushed walking off.

"I'm sorry for acting so terrible and dodging your kiss. I've got a lot on my mind and its a lot to take in." I whispered as I fiddled my thumbs.

"It's alright baby, I know you're dealing with some grown up stuff now but that's ok you've got me right here with you-." George smiled as Pattie approached. She was fucking beautiful! Icy blue eyes, clear white skin, gorgeous body, gapped teeth, her hair was in a ponytail and her bobbed bangs rested right above her eyes. I couldn't stop staring and apparently neither could George.

"Hello welcome to Sweete's! I'm Pattie and I'll be your server today. Can I interest you both in a few drinks?" She asked as she glanced at George, with a soft blush.

"Uh-Uh yea...Julia what do you want?" George asked as he held the menu up to his face to hide the obvious blush that had been forming.

"For my boyfriend to put his menu down." I chuckled as George placed it down causing Pattie's face to go pale. "That's better! Also I'll take Coke please? And whatever he wants." I replied as I continued to look through the menu.

"Uh the same please." George replied as Pattie nodded.

"Ok they should be out soon." She spoke as she walked off.

Once she left, George pulled my menu down as I looked at him shocked. "What's up with you?" He asked as I tilted my head to the side.

"What's up with me? What's up with YOU George?" I asked as George furrowed his eyebrows together. "I saw the way you both looked at each other. What, do you like her?" I asked as George scoffed.

"She's pretty, but I'm with you. You're my girlfriend. Ok? Not her, you. This started however; when you found out you weren't sleeping with me. Are you alright?" George asked as I shrugged.

"Yes, I just figured I'd sleep with my boyfriend. Also, I miss my parents a bit." I replied as George grabbed my hand rubbing it with the pad of his thumb.

"Life will get better Julia. With me in it." He whispered gently as I smiled softly.

Just then Pattie brought the drinks back, "are you both ready to order?" She asked as we both smiled.

"Yes we're getting salads and my girlfriend is getting a cheeseburger with fries. I'm having a salad and a veggie burger with fries." George stated as she wrote everything down.

"Ok give us a few." She spoke as she took our menus and walked off. While she was gone, George and I laughed, made dirty jokes, and just acted like a couple.

Soon our food came, and we ate. After that we paid and left. "Where we going now?" I asked as George smirked.

"A place called 'Eat Me' it's a dirty club." He whispered as I blushed deeply.

"What are we doing there?" I asked softly as George huskily chuckled.

"You'll see dear." He replied as he drove us there. Once there, the club was packed with tons of people, blacks, whites, everyone was there having a grand ole time.

"Ready baby?" George whispered as I bit my lip nodding. George took my hand, as we walked up to the bouncer.

"George! How're you my man?" The bouncer asked as George smiled shaking hands with the older gentleman.

"I'm well Mark, I'm just bringing my lovely girlfriend Julia here for some fun." George smiled as Mark smiled nodding at me.

"Well the both of you have fun. VIP section is all yours. See you later." Mark smiled as George and I walked into the place smiling at Mark.

"Ok Julia are you ready?" George asked as I giggled,

"Yes, very much so."

"Well let's go." George spoke gently as he took me upstairs to the VIP section. It was a lofty looking area decorated with rich red lounge chairs, little beds, it was a red room obviously, it made me anxious actually but I wanted to spend time with George.

"You know we can go dance downstairs." George whispered as he massaged my neck. I sighed softly as I tilted my head back closing my eyes.

"Positive?" I whispered as George groaned turning me around laying me down on one of the couches.

"I'm positive I'm going to fuck you up." His deep raspy voice lingered in my ear as I lightly chuckled.

"Promise?" I whispered as George began undressing me. I blushed softly as I lightly moved, "not here." I whispered as George pouted getting up.

"We'll screw at home, but for now let's dance." I whispered as George picked me up taking me to the dance floor to where he grinded on me and I grinded on him.

A girl by the name of Lisa was watching George and I dance the whole time and wanted to have a go with George so through the song, 'Rock Me Baby' by B.B. King she made her way over to George and pushed herself onto him. She was also beautiful, her skin darker than mine, her lips plump and painted red, her hair in a perfectly placed Afro she was gorgeous. George smirked at Lisa as their hips swayed to the sound of the music. I stood off to the side of George as I watched him and Lisa dance. It pissed me off, so I grabbed a man later named as Tom as we danced together. George caught that with his left eye and furrowed his eyebrows together.

"You're a great dancer George." Lisa smiled as she blushed softly at him.

"You too doll." George replied as he smiled at the young lady.

"You can really move Jules." Tom laughed as I danced some more.

"So can you babe." I blushed as Tom and I laughed.

After the song, George and I decided it was time to leave before things got out of hand. But when we got home, things were about to get a bit worse.

Mine: A Love StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora