Part 5

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Cinderella ran until she reach the path which led to her home. She walked until she reach the backdoor of the basement. Slowly she opened it and sat by the fireplace ready to doze off.

Her other glass slipper clutched in her hand. Dreaming of the handsome man she'd met at the ball. That same man she knew would be her future companion.


Distort, James went to his Stephen and explained what had happened. Their was nothing that he could do. Heartbroken James knelt his head down as he looked upon the glass slipper. Suddenly an idea occurred in James head. 


"What is?"

"We take the slipper around the land and try it on all the maidens foot. Whomever the shoe its perfectly IS my true love."

The next morning...

James and Stephen took the glass slipper all over the land. Many maiden who had attended the ball tried it on but it never fit. 

James was tempted to feed on half of them but controlled his urge.  

They journeyed to the further part of the land where Cinderella lived. James decided to carry on without Stephen and he agreed.

Once again no one fit the slipper. James was nearing the end of his hope. He had but one home left to check.

He knocked on the door and was greeted by Cinderella to step sisters.

They both squealed like pigs and told their mother he had arrived. Immediately she shoveled Cinderella to the basement door.

"You go downstairs and STAY THERE!" She ordered.

Cinderella went downstairs and sat by the stairs. Wondering why her stepmother ordered her to remain there.

"They won't win!"

She looked up and saw Dina had reappeared.

"What are you talking about Dina?"

"The eldest brother of the  Masons is here!"

Cinderella was shocked. He had come to her home!

"But why?"

"He is looking for you!"

"He is?"

"Yes and he's almost given up hope."

"So that's why my stepmother ordered me not to be upstairs. No, NO! I must let him know I'm here!"

Cinderella started to knock on the wall. 

James heard a sound but paid it no attention.

He tried the slipper on the step sisters but neither of them fit the shoe.

Frustrated he grew sadder by the thought of never seeing his true love.

"Is there no other maiden that lives with you?"

The three of them grew nervous.

"Well, there's my step daughter. But she didn't attended the ball."

"Excuse me?"

"She only cooks and clean. She couldn't have been there."

James started to grow suspicious of the mother and her daughters.

Suddenly he heard another knocking sound. 

"What was that?"

"That's it Cinderella! Keep knocking!"

Cinderella knocked until she heard movement and waited. 

He turned around and notice the door which led to the basement. 

"Is someone living down there?"


"You mean to tell me that there is another person who lives here and you failed to tell me this until now?"

James sensed a familiar presence in the house. The presence of someone he had met, more than once.

"You witch! You lied to me about the amount of people dwelling here!"

"Oh well-"

"NOT one more word from you."

He quickly turn to the sisters.

"Nor from you two."

He went to the door leading to the basement and open it.

Immediately Cinderella looked up and was met face to face with James. He hurried down the stairs and helped her up from the straw stack.

"Come upstairs with me."

"Yes sir."

He slipped the shoe on her foot and it was a perfect fit.

James had found his countess. As he looked up into her eyes he realized she was the same girl he met at the well also.

Who was living in a dingy basement and treated like a slave? Anger rose within James body as he stared fiery into the eyes of the stepmother and her two daughters.

James hypnotize the step mother and daughters and bit into their necks.

Cinderella was stunned to see what had happened. But she was intrepid of the act she had witnessed.

James cleaned his mouth and walked back to her. 

"What are you?" 

"I am a vampire my beauty."

"A vampire?"

"I see you have never heard of one."

"No, I never have."

James touched her face and kissed her cheek.

"I feed on the living, only on those despicable and cruel like your step family members. Or so they call themselves."

Cinderella grow uncomfortable.

"Do not fear my beauty. I love you far too greatly to ever harm you. You have a beautiful soul."

Cinderella smiled and walked up to James to give him a kiss. He pulled her up to his chest and kissed her passionately.

He took her in his arms and carried her to his castle.

That day on, Cinderella and James were the Count and Countess of the land. Cinderella never wanted for anything and James had the love of his life always beside him.

The end

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