4. F*ck It

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Caution: This chapter may contain foul language.


It's been a whole month and I haven't heard a single thing from Freddie. Each time I tried to call I was either left with a voicemail or I was picked up by Paul who claimed that Freddie had no time for the likes of me. It hurt way more that I imagined it would and I was on the brink of just quitting. Simon ended up coming over for dinner and he noticed my low mood.

I poked at my (F/F) and tried to keep perky and pay attention to what Simon was talking about but I kept drifting off into nothingness. The feeling of anxiousness was coming across me and his words were not at all registering into my mind.

I imagine that I'm terribly lost in my thoughts once again and Simon tries to bring me back to this tacky reality, "(Y/N)? You aren't talking very much, nor have you eaten anything from your plate/bowl. Is it not good?" He made is especially for me, the way I like it, and only he could make it the way he did.

"Oh no it's good, I'm fine," I lie. I shrug off his questions and I can feel his eyes on me as I stare down at my plate/bowl of food. It's all a mess since I've only been picking at it... I'm honestly not hungry at all, though I can feel the hole in my stomach baring itself. Eating itself.

Simon then chooses to breaks the unbearable silence. "You've been really distant lately. I can tell when something is wrong (Y/N) and I won't quit bothering you until you tell me what's on your mind," he continues eating. It's always been easy to talk to Simon. No matter what you were going through or had on your mind he didn't judge. Instead he would maybe give advice or comfort me. Even if I wouldn't talk, he knew how to make me spill all my worries.

"Yes, I'm terribly sorry for that," My answers are so straightforward and it irks me horribly. "Um..." Should I tell him? I should. But I feel embarrassed. I've never liked a guy before and here I am missing one dearly. What the hell was up with me? He's been on my mind for the past few weeks smothered in worry. "You remember that guy I met at the bar?" He nods wanting to know everything, "I haven't seen him in quite a while and something feels terribly wrong. I can feel it in my gut, I just know it Simon,"

"What do you think is wrong?" He only says this and it's what opens the gates to my thoughts and they all pour out, his voice very subtle.

"Freddie asked me for dinner a while ago and for later that night and, well, a guy that works for him, Paul, called me and said Freddie was terribly busy. That he was absolutely flooded with work, and I was like, wouldn't Freddie tell me if he was? -Or maybe it was last minute." Pausing I pull out all of my thoughts since that day, "I tried calling again and again and it either didn't pick up or it was Paul that answered seemingly dodging all my questions, setting them aside. The last call he told me Freddie wanted nothing to do with me and it... really hurt." At this time I'm burning up a bit and have my hands over my face. "...when I was on that date with Samantha Freddie found me and asked me for that drink he asked the night we met. I went with him and-" I pause and for the life of me I'm not sure if I should spill the beans.

"And?" He questions worryingly yet eager.

"And he kissed, me, we kissed, and-" God my face was horribly flushed and I avoided eye contact with him.

He grinned that grin, "Oh (Y/N), have you tried visiting him?" Actually I hadn't. To be honest I have no clue as to where his home may be.

"No... and I wouldn't know where to start." I bite my lip and try to think hard. Did he tell me over the phone? Surely not.

"Do you... know where he works?" My heart leaps a bit.

"Perhaps yes, actually... well sort of." My mood increased a bit in hopes. If there was something going on I wanted to know. I didn't want to be told off by that Paul once more. I wouldn't have it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2019 ⏰

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