2. The Shivers, Shakes, and Flushed Face

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Caution: This chapter may contain foul language.


She lets out a chuckle, "Oh you're funny!" She gushes but I know she's trying too hard.

I give off my half smile. She is genuinely sweet, I just wish we met naturally and not online. "So, what do you do for a living?" This question seems plain and boring but I'm running out of things to talk about.

"Oh um," thinking for a moment, "I work as a nurse actually," she perches her chin on her hand and smiles at me. "How about you?" We both haven't touched our food and it was definitely cold by this point.

"I'm a (Y/J)" shrugging a little, "been doing it for... well, seems like forever." With this, I get a tap on the shoulder. Samantha, who sits across from me, looks behind me and smiles to that person. I peer over my shoulder to look who it is, and my jaw goes slack.

"Nice to see you again (Y/N)! Thought you had nothing to do," Fred answers for me. He greets me with that toothy grin but ends up covering it with his hand. Why did he? He has one hell of a smile. He then moves over between Samantha and I, laying his hands on the table and leaning in, "and who is this lovely gal?" He begins to question.

"Oh uh yes, this- this is Samantha," I give him a nervous smile as I motion to her and she still has that cheeky smile on her face, and I can tell it's naturally plastered and fake. She has that look in her eye of nervousness.

"Oh such a lovely name!" His bubbly mood makes her blush slightly, "Lucky gal on a, a date I'm guessing? With this stud of a man!" He says, nudging my shoulder. She's caught off guard and bites her lip, surprised. Seeing her surprised actually made ME surprised.

"I um yeah, it's a... date?" I look to her and she nods in response. We're both slightly nervous, and it shows as people's attention begins to get drawn.

"It's been a while since I've last saw you darling, when are we getting that drink you promised?" He gives me a wink and Samantha looks like she's very uncomfortable and I can tell that this date is about to be a flop.

"Maybe I should um... get going?" Her question wasn't even much of a question. She just got up, grabbed her purse and scurried right out of the front door with a terribly flushed face before I could say anything.

"Damn... she was really sweet to, thought she was coming along," I mumble this to myself in disbelief. I was actually coming along quite nicely to her.

Fred takes her seat and leans over the table a little bit, perching his chin on his hands, "so darling, when are we gonna get that drink?" Again with that sly look. I sigh.

"Oh come on Fred, I've got shit to do," I look at my watch and I read 9:16pm. "You scared her off, god damn it. Doubt she'd answer my calls or, anything ever again!" At this point I was, perhaps, a little frustrated.

"What shit do you have to do?" He asks ignoring my frustration, raising an eyebrow, "I mean you did say you had nothing to do, just a quick drink is all I'm asking." Giving me a sad face, I give in easily. With a small sigh, I agree to go with him to the gay club of which we met. We agreed that he'd drive us there after what happened the first time... I was one hell of a disaster and I'm amazed of how Fred even spoke to me in the first place. How embarrassing.


Exiting the restaurant, Fred leads me over to his car and opens the backdoor for me. I get in, thanking him, then spot a man sitting up front who looks rather confused. Fred gets in the other side and remembers that I haven't met this mystery person who is up front, the driver.

Penny For Your Thoughts? (Freddie Mercury x Male Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt