1. Rock Bottom

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Caution: This chapter may contain foul language.


I was totally shitfaced. No doubt about it. The music was overpowering and the heat of the club was growing as people kept joining into the masses of people having a blast; the bar isn't called Heaven for no reason some may say. I sat at the bar, hunched over the ledge with the urge of throwing up. I've been here for... lord who knows how long; I've lost track of time. I was here to drown my sorrows and I think I went well over what I should have. The bottom of my glass looked quite lonely as so did I, I can imagine.

"Hey (Y/N)!" A voice yells from behind me and I don't recognize it for a minor second. I turn around trying to wear a smile and be presentable but in return I get a worried look. Simon looks at me then begins to question, "What is a great fellow like you doing here?" He's Simon, of course he's had a few drinks and is lookin' frisky.

He seems to want to question my relations with Anna. He seems to want to question my sexuality. I've known Simon since we were kids, next door neighbors, he came out to me in the tenth grade. He seemed so relieved to finally get out of, what do they call it? The 'closet'?

I shrugged for a second then faced back the way I was and tried to get the attention of the bartender, "Can I get a rum and coke for my buddy here?" saying this, pointing over my shoulder at Simon who stands behind me. His favorite drink. He tries to insist but the tender has already broken off and hurried away to my command. I gesture for him to sit, so on he does.

"Something happen between you and Anna (Y/N)? I know how she doesn't like you being out here in places like these, and aren't you, I don't know, straight?" He throws the questions about in the air and they do not want to settle. It floods me with more of that unsteady feeling. His eyes are on me and I seemingly don't return the look. It seems it takes me an eternity before I answer.

"I think I'm bisexual Simon," the mumbled words slip from my mouth as I sip my (F/D). He looks confused.

"What? I can't hear you, it's too loud!" He tries to come in closer in hopes of hearing me.

I sort of hesitate for a minor second and get nervous, "Anna dumped me Simon," he returns a look of pure commiseration. I look at him, then look back down to my empty glass and shake my head. I hate it when people gave me pity.

"Oh dear! Are you alright?" He pats me on the back trying to reassure me although I'm already heart broken. The destruction had already been done and there was no undoing what mess that was held within whatever chambers of my heart. They were dark and empty and... filled with cobwebs.

"I'm perfect."

"Wait," he paused, remembering that we're in a gay bar. He brings up the question I was trying to avoid, "what are you doing in this here bar then mate?" Looking confused, the bartender brings me a second round of (F/D), along with Simons rum and coke.

"Thanks Danny, put his on my tab," I take a sip of my drink.

"Answer my question (Y/N), please?" Ignoring that his drink had arrived, all of his attention is on me and me alone. He faces me demanding I answer but with a gentle face.

I laugh a little. "I think I'm bisexual Simon," I repeat the same thing from a second ago and my heart aches a little; he hears me this time. He returns a rather superb shocked look and I've seen it coming from a mile away.

"You think you are, or you are?" Biting his lip he looks like he's about to give me one hell of a lecture. "There isn't much of 'thinking' you're whatever you are, you just are," I guess I was wrong? He laughs a little and and takes down his entire drink down in one go, straight down the hatch. "I have to go, but call me if you need a ride or anything!" He flips the cup over upside down and raises from his seat.

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