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Pat, a fifteen-year-old boy, was lounging in the "general" room of the "Yakuza". 

The "Yakuza" was the name of the house that a certain... fun family was living in. Most families had step-brothers and step-sisters, but this was no ordinary family. This was no ordinary house, either. There were more than enough rooms (you guys have like fricking eight hundred channel in our fricking server), but some were only accessible by those who had the keys. For example, four rooms were collectively called the "secret" rooms, as only those who had the secret keys could access the rooms. If someone looked out the windows, they would see that a grey mist surrounds the entire house. If you tried to walk out the front door (or back, if you're special), you would end up back sitting in front of your monitor (or phone, if you're special). 

However, Pat was just sitting in the general room, which meant that everyone (hehe I said the @ word) could access the room. The plain, old general room was comfy and homely, which pleased most of the Yakuza's habitants.

A tall, 17-year-old Asian crashed through the door which connected the gambling rooms to the general room. "PAT WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU HIDE MY MONEY?!?"

Pat shrugged. "Damit, why the hell do you think I took it? For all you know, Cro might've taken it, or you just spent it on the latest cgso skin to flex on everyone."

Another Asian burst into the room, but this time it was a 13 year old girl (the only one in the house, actually). "What the shit is going on in here? I just got back from dance lessons and this is the crap I come back to?"

"Yeah, basically," replied Pat.

Damit made a non-committal sound of agreement. "Do you expect any better though, Dragon?"

The girl sighed. "I guess not."

"Anyways, gotta go find the 15 million updoots I lost, see you guys later," said Damit, flouncing out of the room.

Next to arrive was a white (black? Cro you gotta tell me the truth mate) male around the same age as Dragon.

 "Oh hi Cro, how're you today?" asked Dragon first.

"Not much... you?" replied Cro.

"Meh, did you see Skilled today while I was asleep?"

"Yeah, he's-"

At that moment, Skilled burst through the same one that had been slammed open a thousand times before as if the mention of his name had summoned him.

"Hey what is going on?" the Italian (owo Marzia) 15-year-old said.

"Nothing. It's funny that you arrived at that time because we were just talking about you, haha," said Cro.

"Yeah, it was almost like writing magic," inserted Pat.

Dragon raised an eyebrow. "What the shit are you talking about, Pat?"




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