What about you?

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What about you?

I'm curious to learn more about my readers, if you are willing to share (and if you could enter each one as an inline comment, that will make it much easier for me to sift through later on).

Which country are you from?

What is your favorite type of book? (Genre or topic)

What really catches your interest in a book? Good grammar and spelling, an unpredictable plot, humor, romance?

What are you hoping to see more of in my stories?

How long have you been on Wattpad, and how did you find it?

How did you find my stories/profile?

Which is your favorite story and why? (Any story, not just mine)

And just because this question seems to lead to all sorts of interesting discussions, do you prefer coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? (And do you add milk/creme to your coffee or tea?)

If I were to hold contests, what kinds of questions/challenges/topics would you be interested in? And what sort of prize for a giveaway? Having that chapter dedicated to you? A custom bookmark? Being able to name a future side character?

Anything else you feel like asking or mentioning?
(I have story/author Q&A chapters further on in this book, so please save such questions for those chapters)  :)

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