Chapter 1 - Allison Fitzgerald

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     People are like snowflakes, each one of us is unique in their own way, no two are exactly the same. We all have the special quirks that make us who we are. There are people who are overly honest, always telling the truth, even to his or her own detriment. Then there are some who constantly quote favorite movies and T.V. shows. As for my quirks, they are a little different from lip-biting when I'm nervous about something to smiling when I'm lying. I have powers if that's what you would call them. 

     The day I was born, I was placed on the front footsteps of an orphanage. I guess my parents thought I would have been too much to handle. As I aged Mrs. Granger, our caretaker, noticed how I was unlike the other children in the orphanage. It could have been because I have bright purple eyes with black specs in them, but I think she finally noticed how peculiar I was on my 5th birthday. 

     Alexandra Russ is a blonde hair, blue eye barbie doll who thought everything went to her, and lucky for me we shared the same birthday. When she turned five she received a new dress and a doll that had on an exact replica of her new dress. I then opened my gift to be greeted by a porcelain doll with purple eyes and long dark hair. Alexandra Russ noticed my gift and snatched it from my hands. Long story short, I made the doll break and the glass from the porcelain doll shatter. 

      My life in the orphanage was a living hell after that, no one would talk to me and when they did, they called me a freak or a witch. On my 10th birthday, two men came to the orphanage looking to adopt. If Mrs. Granger had it her way, she would have kept me up in my room in the attic until the men left, but luckily for me, that's not how things worked. The man with the ginger hair noticed me first and he knew I was the daughter he wanted. At least that's what he told me when we arrived at our new home in Houston, Texas; far away from the orphanage I have known my whole life in Galveston, Texas. My life has been improving greatly ever since.

       I never dreamed of having two dads, but I wouldn't change them for anything. The only thing that was a downer of having two dads was when I started my period. Papa Cameron was out buying groceries and Daddy Mitchell was teaching me piano. He freaked out, I cried, it was just a very traumatic experience for both of us. Of course, Papa Cameron and Daddy Mitchell have no idea about my powers and I try to keep it that way. Daddy Mitchell is a doctor and he is a skeptic and nonbeliever of mythical or unexplained things. If I showed them my powers, who knows what he might do.

     The school was the only thing I could put the downside on being adopted. At the orphanage, Mrs. Granger taught us the things she said we would use in life. When I started school I was completely lost and cheated on most of my tests and classwork by reading my teachers' thoughts. I know, bad idea but it's not like anyone knew or could find out. I soon started studying and by the time I reached high school, I could do tests without reading minds. I didn't have any friends in school and Papa Cameron always tried to encourage me to be more outgoing and Daddy Mitchell always explains that I'm just shy and will grow out of it soon, but here I am seventeen almost eighteen years old still friendless and now moving to a small town named after a utensil.

      Something about this town seems to be pulling me towards it. It feels like a strong magnetic pull. Who knows what's in store for me once we arrive. " Let's go, Ali, time to leave." Mitchell, my dad, yelled from downstairs. I wave my hand to close the last box I had left to pack and run down the stairs. Goodbye Houston, Texas, hello Forks, Washington. Here comes Allison Elizabeth Fitzgerald.

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