Unfortunate Circumstance (1)

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"What did you just say?" The two 15 year old teens said in sync as they both glared at the man in front of them. He seemed to be in his early thirties or late twenties.

Other pedestrians stopped and stared at the three, confused as to what was going on. They watched as the oldest of the trio sneered at the younger two.

"You heard me, now go run along and whine to your mommies about it" He spat near their feet.

A friendly looking woman walked up and stood in between them.
"Alright I think that's enough" She said, putting a hand up to stop the older man from walking closer.

"This doesn't concern you" One of the teens growled, crystal blue eyes nearly turning green as he took a step closer towards the rude man.

The man shoved the woman away, making the other teen move as well. The bystanders became nervous and a few pulled their phones out to call the police when punches were thrown. It was hard to tell who threw the first punch but it seemed the older man was losing.

And losing badly.

A few brave men and women sprung into action and pulled the three apart. The lady from earlier walked up again, only this time she didn't look as friendly.

"That is enough" she borderline yelled. She pulled out a badge from her jacket pocket and held it up. The three immediately paled.

"You three are under arrest for public battery"


The two teens sat in the cell, both quiet as officers entered and left the precinct. Nobody paid them much attention once they were informed their guardians were on their way to pick them up. The jackass from earlier was in a separate cell.

"This sucks... Four eyes is gonna be even more pissed at me" The dark blue eyed teen mumbled, glaring at the ground.

The other occupant in the room snorted in amusement.
"Honestly, the fruitloops probably gonna put me on house arrest"

The two snickered before it turned into full on laughter.
"I'm Rin" The dark blue eyed teen said, giving the other a toothy grin.

The other teen smiled back.
"I'm Danny, what a funny yet unfortunate way to meet. Thanks for helping me with that asshole by the way. I've only been in Japan for barely a day and I already attracted trouble"

Rin just shrugged.
"Eh, its no biggie. Couldn't just let that jackass get away with pick pocketing you. Also, if it makes you feel any better, I attract a lot of trouble too"

Danny smile never faltered although he was ashamed he had let his guard down that much.
"Guess it happens to the best of us"

The two sat in their cell and continued talking, pausing only when an officer walked towards them, unlocking the cell.
"Rin Okumura, your guardian is here to get you"

Rin grinned at him and waved as he walked out of the cell, the officer locking it once more. Danny waved back and caught sight of a man, who in his opinion, resembled a clown.

He watched as Rin left, followed by his amused looking clown guardian. Not even a minute later, a very familiar face walked into the building looking disheveled.

Soon, the same officer from before walked over.
"Daniel Masters, your guardian is here"

Danny walked out once the cell door was opened. Vlad Masters finished up his conversation he had been having with one of the officers and hurried over. He gave Danny a stern look and grabbed him by the shoulder, careful as too not mess with his prosthetic. He guided him out of the precinct, shutting the door behind them.

A black limousine was waiting for them out front. The chauffeur got out and held the doors open for them.
"Thank you, Naoki" Danny said, giving the driver a smile.

Naoki returned his smile, shutting the door once the two got inside.
"We've only been in Japan for a day and already you managed to get yourself locked in a cell... I thought the change in scenery would benefit you"

Danny groaned when Vlad began talking. His mood turned sour when he remember the reason for their sudden move.
"Well it's not, a simple move wont magically make things better. So how about we quit talking about it" Danny snapped in English, not wanting Naoki to feel awkward about over hearing their little 'family argument'.

"Little badger..." Vlad began, voice turning soft. Danny just reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He reached into his other pocket and pulled out his headphones. He didn't want to hear another one of Vlads 'it's okay to talk to me about what happened' speeches. He didn't want to be reminded of what happened, he just wanted to forget it.

However, deep down he knew he'd never forget. So instead he chose to drown the thoughts out with loud music. He put in his ear buds. Immediately his eardrums were filled with Queen songs.

Vlad watched his adoptive son, letting out a sad sigh.
"You're gonna go deaf with your music up that loud"
He was ignored.

'I have powers that can let me do the impossible, yet they can't help me be the good parent I know you need'



You probs confused, but things will get explained I promise.

I've never done a fatherly vlad fic before so ye. I had to re write this entire thing twice because it sucked but I'm happy with this version. Please let me know if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes, it would be greatly appreciated.

Now here's a gif that had me laughing my ass off for a ridiculous amount of time.

Now here's a gif that had me laughing my ass off for a ridiculous amount of time

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Good day,

Tis all.

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