Acting the Part

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After being spritzed with a potent perfume that would make me easy to track for both vampire and werewolf alike, I headed out to the commune.  Kyra wouldn't be leading her small army of vampires, werewolves, and mages until nightfall.  Outside of not wanting herself or other vampires to burst into flames, her teams did still need time to prepare and I needed to find the clan without raising any suspicion.

"Where's Raid, Bungee?"

I couldn't see who posed the question.  All I saw ahead of me was a mass of zombies clustered around the front door of the warehouse, while one lone figure stood some distance away.

"I wouldn't know," answered Bungee, the solitary zombie standing out on the dusty road.  "When I left the colony yesterday, Raid and the others hadn't arrived."

"I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable leaving until Raid gets back," said a voice.  I was getting close enough that I could see the uneasy sway of the huddled group.  Uncertainty had their hands wringing together and their eyes darting from one face to another.

Others, however, stood stiff and straight with arms crossed over their chest.  One of these zombies had long dark hair that danced in the soft spring breeze.  I didn't need to get any closer to know who spoke next.  I'd recognize Calista's inky black hair anywhere.

"I'd like to also point out," she said with a firm voice, "that Raid didn't just go hunting for you and the others for amusement.  This diet that you now seem so keen on has driven Mercedes to hunger sickness.  I should know.  I shoved a syringe in her mouth today and force fed her human flesh.  She's in a bad way and that diet is to blame."

"Look, I'm still unbiased here," claimed Bungee, or really the ghost masquerading as Bungee.  "I came here to check on Mercedes since she had left the colony without a word a few days ago."  He paused as I drew closer to the crowd.  I kept my distance, not taking anyone's side, but my presence was recognized.  Some in the group glanced my way, curiosity pulling at their faces, but no one formally acknowledged me.  Instead Bungee swallowed hard and continued.  "Everyone else was busy learning with the other zombies so I decided I'd go find her.  That's because I'm not on the diet, so I'm not biased towards it."

"You may not be on the diet," said Liz, who stood not far from Calista, "but you've admitted you're thinking about it."

"Because it looks viable," he said with a flustered laugh that failed to mask his frustration.  "I know Mercedes isn't serving as a great example, but that's because this diet does require hard work.  She got careless, she got too confident and neglected the regiment.  That can spiral out of control if you don't keep up with it.  So, yes, it comes with the risk that failure and pride can get in the way, but if you put the effort in, it's worth it.  Think about it.  You can eat the foods you love again.  You can live like you used to.  Really, truly live."

His hands balled together as he fought back a surge of emotion that I saw ripple through him.  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.  A smile touched the corners of his mouth as he savored the scent of the wildflowers.

"We need time to think, Bungee," said a male zombie.  "Killian is short staffed as it is and without Raid here, it's hard to know what to do.  Give us some time to mull it over, okay?"

Calista pinched her lips and turned from the man who had decided to speak for the group.  However, she didn't contradict his request and the others seemed content with putting the conversation on pause.  Bungee, though, glanced my way before answering him.

"Okay, you think about it and let me know when you're ready.  I can lead you to the colony."

After a moment or two, the crowd started to disperse.  Half of them headed out to the fields, while the others went back inside.  Calista, however, stepped into a car that was parked not far from the commune and proceeded to head down the road, likely returning to the manor home she shared with her partner, Matias.  However, she passed me on the way, rolling down her window so she could share a couple quick words.

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