Old friend

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"Good morning class today we have a new student come on in would you like to introduce yourself?"

As I walked through the open door, everyone started whispering causing me to only be even more insecure. My brunette bangs weren't long enough to cover my eyes... well back then it wasn't.

"H.... Hi my name is Maria Charlie but please call me Mc.... I was born in England but my father left when I was five so we moved to Korea and lived here until I was nine as mum had decided to start the family business in England but now we are back for good," I introduced trying not to stutter and act brave.

Starring at my feet, I felt as if I was going to be sick. It took a while for the class to quieten down but eventually they did. Their eyes judged me and all I desired to do at that moment was run out of the class room. Mrs Lee was about to ask for someone to volunteer to show me around before a blushing boy stood up leaning forward with both hands firmly on the desk.

"I'll show her around!" He raised his voice to the point he was almost shouting.

In font of him, there was an other girl with long brown hair and big blue eyes. Mrs Lee asked if she could move to the free seat at the front as the space between columns was slightly yet noticeably smaller then the the space between rows. Yet again the class whispered and watched as I made my way to my seat. After taking the register we were all free to talk to whoever was close to us.

"Real smooth Zen," the blond next to him remarked causing me to turn around and finally see the boys face properly.

Only then did my jaw drop in realisation at who he really was. Everything about him was almost impossible not to recognise. Even his hair remained styled in the same way.

"Hyun?!" I gasped shocked.

All the nerves I felt before had suddenly disappeared when I saw who he was. My childhood friend who I hadn't seen since we left. Nothing about him had changed.... well except he now went by a nickname. Just like he use to do when we were younger he leaned over his desk and hugged me from behind.

"How do you know each other?" The adorable boy asked.

"Yoosung meet Mc my best friend from childhood, Mc meet Yoosung he's in my friend group we're all pretty tight," Hyun introduced us both to each other.

I gave Zen a pat on the head and the wrapped my arm around his shoulder facing Yoosung.

"Did you know I'm actually taller then him?" I told Yoosung.

"Use to be," He corrected.

"Wanna check?" I asked in a confident tone.

He stood up first and I knew he was right yet I still stood up. Zen looked at his shoulder and smiled.

"Even my shoulder is taller then you," He teased.

Slightly annoyed, I punched his arm which only made him tease me even more. Even after six years.

Time flew and it was finally time to meet Zens other friends. First there was Jaehee an other female in the group which made me feel a lot better at least I have a girl friend that I can talk and relate to.

"I am very pleased to meet one of Zens childhood friends I am Jaehee"

Next to her was her boss who was even taller than Zen. My neck hurt just looking up at him.

"You are very petit I wonder if you wouldn't mind dressing as a cat for an advert for my company"

That seemed to have annoyed Zen which actually made me giggle. Finally there was V. He looked so beautiful I couldn't help but blush.

"Hello I too am very pleased to meet you I'm V the Chairman of this school is my father although like Jumins father he has more than one business as you get more accustomed you will find this isn't just any school so if you need any guidance you may come to me."

He was so beautiful, kind, thoughtful.... I didn't even realise I was blushing until Zen jabbed my cheek with his finger and teased me about it. Still even though I hadn't seen him for a while I knew when he was jealous and right now jealous was an understatement. As he rested in a hug from the back, I could tell he was looking for someone. After a few minutes, a red haired boy snuck up behind Yoosung scary the living day lights out of him.

"Hey! Seven stop sneaking up on me!" Yoosung complained.

The boy who was addressed as Seven came over to me with a huge smile on his face. Jokingly, he winked and kissed the back of my hand. Hyun only seemed to get even more jealous as he pulled me to the side pouting.

"She's mine!" He accidentally spilled.

Jaehee didn't seem so pleased by his sudden movement of jealousy. The same could be said for Jumin but it seemed to be for slightly different reason.

"How inappropriate moving a young lady so rapidly ..." Jumins arm were crossed as he looked at Hyun with intimidating eyes.

"I do agree with Mr Han...." Jaehee sighed, "But you mustn't get caught in a scandal...."

Her words slightly insulted me but I decided not to react to rashly. Pulling away from Zen, I put my hand on his chin.

"Ok that's enough," I told him, "Jeez why is it your heavier then me but I'm always the one to hold your weight...."

Playfully, I rolled my eyes and he showed me a smirk.

"Oh I see how it is," he flirted as he swept me off my feet causing me to panic.

"Hyun! I mean it! Put me down! I'm to heavy you're gonna drop me!" I almost screamed but still tried to have a serious tone.

"Relax you're as heavy as a feather," he chuckled.

After all this time he still new how to get under my skin. My most annoying yet best friend I had ever met was by far Hyun Ryu.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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