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Jane's PoV

I pull out my phone through 3rd period to check the message that just came in

Having a good morning? I'll see you in 4th, You we're right about this dress ;) - M

Checking to make sure the teacher isn't paying any attention I send a quick message back

Yeah well I know how I feel about that dress so I told you how the guys would like it ;)
Mornings not too bad. Caught up with Frost. This lesson sucks.. I'm pretty sure 4th will be good :) - J

Smiling I catch Frost looking at me giving me a puzzled look, probably wondering who's texting me seeing as he's here..

History.. it's interesting.. 4th will be good ;) - M

Did you just pull my schedule to see what class I was in? Cute... gotta go before I get caught ;) - J

"RIZZOLI put that phone away. Get on with your work" Hoyt yelled making the whole class jump.

I put my head down and concentrate on my work as soon as the bell rings

Hoyt shouts "Not you Rizzoli"

Fuck this, I hate him so much I don't wanna be anywhere near him. I look at Frost he nods knowing to wait out side the door.

"If I catch you on your phone one more time in my class there will be consequences. Do i make myself clear?" Hoyt demands

"Yes Sir, sorry sir."

"Get to your next class before you end up being anymore tardy." He snaps

I rush out of the class realising Frost wasn't outside the door, feeling pissed at him for not waiting, I rush to 4th... biology with the loverly Dr Maura Isles..

Maura's PoV

Students start to filter into my lab, I see Frost come in but no Jane. Where the hell has she got to.. she better not be trying to cut my class..
Ignoring the distant chatter and wolf whistles from the guys I go about introducing myself. Walking back over to my desk i check my phone. No messages. Jane where are you.

Just as I'm in the middle of explaining what we would be covering in my lesson, the door opens and in flys Jane muttering out

"sorry got kept behind" keeping her head low as she makes her way to her seat at the back of the lab with Frost.

Frowning I carry on "As I was saying that is what you will be doing in today's lab. Any questions?"

"Yeah miss you better watch out that lezolli doesn't try and make a move on you in that dress!" One of the guys shouts out whilst his friends laugh.

Glancing at Jane I demand..

"Out, get out of my Lab right now. I will not tolerate any kind of behaviour like that in my lab. When you want to come back and apologise to the student in which you are insulting then feel free to. Until then do not step foot in my lab again. Now that goes for anyone else as well. Those who wish to stay, get on with your work"

I head back to my desk pick my phone up and open the door to my office leaving it open I sit at my desk.
Calming myself down as I really am shaking in anger.

When I've calmed myself down I head back out to the lab and start to walk around the tables with my arms folded across my chest. I don't want these kids thinking I'm a push over.

As I gain on Jane's table I hear Frost
"Sorry Jane I know he creeps you out but I got busted waiting I had to get to class I can't risk getting in trouble for being tardy again."

Wondering what Jane was held back for and why her history teacher creeps her out I'll have to find out. I haven't met all of the teachers yet, I'll make it my business to meet him though.

As the bell rings sounding lunch the students all pile out, I hear Jane telling Frost she will catch up with him hanging back.

After the door closes behind him raising an eyebrow looking at Jane I say

"So Miss Rizzoli care to explain to me why you were late for my class?"

"Hoyt.. god I hate him he makes my skin crawl.. he caught me texting.."

"Sorry Janie that's my fault.." I reply feeling rather guilty

"Don't sweat it Maur, and thanks for what you said.." Jane replied smiling

"I meant it I will not tolerate that sort of behaviour in my lab.."

"I better go I've gotta get to practice.. shame though.." Jane says

"What's a shame?" I quiz

"That you won't tolerate that behaviour in your lab.. because he was right.. I would totally make a move on you in that dress" winking as she leaves shouting "laters"

I shake my head smiling to myself and head into my office picking my bag up, deciding I'll go and grab a coffee from the staff room try and see if I can run into this Hoyt.

I enter the staff room and it's relatively quiet I guess they are all in the cafeteria, walking over to the coffee I get a sense someone is watching me, I turn to see a man approaching me..

Reaching out to shake my hand he speaks
"Ahh you must be the loverly Dr Isles everyone is talking about I'm Charles Hoyt I teach history."

"Nice to meet you Charles, sorry I can stay and chat I have a lot to do" I pick my coffee up and leave.

I can understand why he creeps Jane out you can feel him undress you with his eyes. He's a sleaze.

Sitting at my desk I get a text

Catching up with Frost after i get out what time are you home? - J

Should be home by 6pm are you grabbing food out? - M

I'll be back before then, I'm cooking ;) - J

:) what are you going to make? - M

Chicken Parmesan - J

Is there chicken in I forgot to check?! - J

I can't think! Come see me I can give you some money for groceries.. - M

Can't in practice I'm up ;) - J

I dig an envelope out and grab my purse taking out some money and putting it inside sealing it.

Jane Rizzoli

I head to the office and make sure they send it to her.

The rest of the day rushes by I get one more text from Jane just saying thanks.
After finishing off my marking for the day and doing prep for tomorrow so I can spend the evening enjoying Jane's time, I head out to my car, there's not many others left in the lot, I can see Hoyt lingering around so fishing my phone out of my purse I pretend to be on it, I do not want to be stuck talking to him, climbing into my car I give him a little wave and leave.

No sooner had I pulled up and got out of the car I could hear music. Smiling to myself I think Jane must have figured out how to get the built in speakers to work throughout the house. There's no way she would hear me come in.


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