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Jane's PoV

I can't believe these boots they are amazing I can't wait to wear them. I head downstairs thinking about how much I have enjoyed the day even though I saw people from school.

Maura kept her word and kept me safe.
I really do feel like I can trust her. I'm still going to be cautious though.

"Hey Maur wheres the menu? I can order if you want? Just let me know what you fancy"

"One sec I'll be down" she calls back

I climb up on the stool at the island with a glass of water. Not knowing what Maura will want to drink so I'll ask her when she comes down.

I'm taken aback by the sound of her feet padding against the wood and not her heels. I look up and freeze looking at her.

She's removed her makeup not that she had much on, gathered her hair up into a messy ponytail, a pair of lounge pants and a t shirt that showed her stomach.

"Erm I'll grab a jumper.." I heard Maura say

"Huh? Why your fine?"

Laughing she just replied with "I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable I'll grab one" turning on her heel she left, when she came back she had an over sized sweat shirt on over the top.
It made her look adorable.

"You didn't make me feel uncomfortable, I was just shocked that was all I wasn't expecting you to be so... casual"

Maura just smiled at me and handed me the menu,

I placed the order and helped her get the plates out ready for when it arrived.

I was about to ask if I could get her a drink when I realised she was sat with a glass of red wine in her hand.

"Hey Jane when's your birthday?" Maura asked

"Four weeks on Friday, why?"

"You'll be 18 right? Not long until you graduate?" Maura pressed not really answering Jane's question.

"Yeah 18 I cant wait to graduate and get the hell away from the other kids" Jane replied with a sigh

"Have you thought about what you want to do?" Still Maura was questioning

"In all honestly. I never thought I would graduate. But I always wanted to join Boston PD"

Maura looked at me with a worried look in her eyes whilst she processed what I had just said. Shit. I caught her off guard with that one.

Just as Maura was about to speak there was a knock on the door, great timing delivery man!
Saved!! No doubt Maura won't let that slide though..

We ate our food in silence it was good, I had taken some more tablets that Maura had laid out for me.

After we ate I cleared the kitchen before joining Maura on the couch, I was definitely going to do as much cleaning and help as much as I could seems as I'm staying here.

"What do you want to watch Jane?" Maura asked

"Erm anything I don't mind"

Maura flicked through the channels searching for something and settled on Bridesmaids..

I think she thought that would be a safe option.

Throughout the film we laughed and I laughed at Maur when she would come out with things like "well that just isn't humanly possible"

After the film had finished I got up bid Maura good night and headed to bed, thanking her once again for the day.

As I lay in bed I thought over the day again, Maura had been great. She's so kind and honest. Almost like an angel that had been sent to save me.

An absolute beautiful one at that. No come on Jane I self scolded she won't ever see you as anything more than the messed up teen that you are. Your broken. No one will ever look at you the way you want them to.

With that last thought I sighed and closed my eyes.


Maura's PoV

Jane had headed to bed. I poured myself another glass of wine and sat back down.

Smiling to myself thinking about how the day had gone at the mall, other than the group waiting for her and tormenting her I think she has had a good day. Jane deserves to have some fun.

She did catch me off guard when she said "she didn't think she would graduate" she's a smart kid and I know it's not her grades she was talking about.
I just hope that she starts to feel less like that and looks more towards the future.

18 in a few weeks though... my mind started to race thinking of what I could do for her birthday, I only know she has one friend, maybe we can all go out together.

Oh shit wait Maura. She's a student you haven't even checked to see if she's your student. God you're so stupid at times.

Urgh I'll have to check that tomorrow when I catch up on my work. She needs to catch up on hers too.

I'll deal with that tomorrow, I stand clearing my glass away and head to bed....


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