chapter 6: naruto's date with ten-ten and Hinata

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That afternoon toshiro waited for naruto to head home and leave The shop with ten-ten and Hinata's gifts in hand and left The modified hokage armor in The shop and said." So long naruto I'll see you after school tomorrow. And don't forget The flowers for Hinata and ten-ten." And naruto said." Don't worry I won't need to go to the store when I can make my own. Naruto then whispered." I have mokuton remember???." And toshiro said." Got it well don't worry naruto your "creations" are in good hands nobody will ever be able to find them." The hokage then walked into the store and said." Greetings naruto. Toshiro. Is my battle armor polished and ready for use???." And naruto said." Right this way Lord Hokage. You just might notice a few new surprises added to it." And Hiruzen asked." What kind of surprises If I may ask???."and naruto said." Now that would ruin the surpirise wouldn't it???." And Hiruzen said." Forgive me naruto. I was just curious that is all." And naruto said." Here you go. One newly restored and modified hokage armor." Hiruzen's eyes went wide and said." It looks like new!!!. How did you pull it off!!??." And naruto said." That's my secret. And speaking of secrets. I have modified your armor making it harder to break. Try it on." Hiruzen put it on thinking that The added metal would weigh him down but he didn't feel a thing he then said." That's strange I had thought it would be heavier than this. Why is that." And naruto said." That's because along with The thicker metal and chain mail I added a self fitting seal that allows The armor to adjust to the users body weight and size. and is easy to conceal. It also has hidden features like hidden shields inside The gauntlet pads. Just add your chakra to it. Go ahead and give it a try." Hiruzen did what naruto said and when he did a large shield with The hidden leaf symbol appeared and Hiruzen said." This is quite impressive naruto. What else can it do???." and naruto said I'm glad you asked. Because it's also able to absorb the chakra from ninjutsu leaving you completely unharmed by it. This is because I have equipped it with a chakra absorbsion seal. So yeah I've thought of everything." Hiruzen was so impressed with naruto and his ability to combine forging weapons and armor with seals. So he decided to ask." Would you consider mass producing these for The village???" And naruto said." Absolutely not. It's too time consuming to build and even more dangerous If it fell into enemy shinobi hands. I won't risk our villages safety because someone wants what I built to use for the wrong reasons!!!. And that's final." Hiruzen thought about what naruto had just said and he was right. An armor powered by chakra with the ability to absorb it and a built-in shield. Would definitely result in the villages destruction. He then said." Very well naruto. I shall not push the issue any further." Naruto then walked out of the shop and headed home to get cleaned up and ready for his date with ten-ten and Hinata. He made it home safely and when he stepped in to the house jiraia and Tsunade were there and asked." Where are you going young man???." And naruto said." I have a date to get ready for. OH and don't bother asking with who. Because that's my secret.and those boxes have a blood seal on Them so only I could open them. Also here's the order of senbon needles and shuriken you asked for Grandma tsunade." And tsunade said." Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!!" And naruto said." Now then. I have a date with two beautiful girls tonight and their going to be here within the next hour. Please excuse me." Naruto then went up to his bedroom to get changed and took a shower after his shower he then brushed his teeth and put on his black tuxido with orange flames around the wrists and lower seam off his shirt and pants he then looked at jiraia and Tsunade and asked." How do I look???." They were speechless. They couldn't believe how much he looks like his father when he went on his first date with Kushina!!!. Tsunade then said." You look handsome naruto. So who's the lucky ladies???." And naruto said." You will soon find out.(ding dong!!!) That's them now." Naruto then opened the door and in walked ten-ten and Hinata wearing the most elegant dresses that jiraia and Tsunade had ever seen!!!. They just looked at each other and thought The same thing."DEAR KAMI!!!. how does the kid get so damn lucky!!??. their gorgeous!!!." Naruto then said." Good evening ten-ten Chan Hinata-chan. Are The two of you ready to go???." And hinata said." We're ready. Where do you want to go???." And naruto said." Wherever The night sky takes us." Naruto had a pick nick basket in his hands and two boxes in The other. Curious ten-ten asked." Are we going on a pick nick???." And naruto said." Yes we are. On The hokage monument. And then we are going to watch the sunset until the beautiful moon and stars burst out of the night sky." Now jiraia and Tsunade were speechless as all hell. First he scored a date with two gorgeous girls then he prepares a pick nick basket of food for them on top of the hokage monument where they would watch the sunset and then watch The moon and stars in the sky and go for a walk around the village after that!!!. Jiraia then got on his knees begging and pleading said." OH great master of love and romance I beg of you to please teach me how to sweet talk woman The way you just did. Please please please." And naruto said." Quit peeking on woman and only if you swear that you will volunteer for it grandma tsunade???." And tsunade asked." Do I get to punch him in the crotch If he takes his eyes off of me???." And naruto said." Yes. Yes you can." And tsunade said." Well then I accept. If you agree to Tell us All about your date???." And naruto said." You have a deal." Naruto ten-ten and Hinata then ran off into the direction of the hokage monument and when they got there they had started eating dinner and chatting with each other about how their lives have All changed for the better since becoming friends and now going on this wonderful date together watching The sunset they were all laying down on The blanket together and just as the sun finished setting naruto stood up and said." Hey girls I have a few gifts for you." And ten-ten asked." Gifts???. What kind of gifts???." He then handed The two boxes to Hinata and ten-ten and said." Open up the boxes and find out." Now ten-ten and Hinata were curious so they opened up the boxes they were handed and They were stunned by what they saw and ten-ten said." Naruto it's beautiful!!!. this armor must have costed a fortune!!!." And naruto said." They would have. If I hadn't been The one who made Them. It's got built in shields on each gauntlet the armor itself has self fitting and chakra absorbsion seals. So even though they may look heavy its actually quite light and easy to move around in. Why don't you open the other boxes." Hinata opened her second gift and inside the box she Saw The most beautiful bow and full set of arrows she had ever seen and said." It's beautiful Naruto-kun!!!.I love it!!!. what did you get ten-ten???" Ten-ten Then opened up the second box naruto had given her and what she Saw had amazed her. It was the most beautiful thing she's ever seen!!!. It was a tanto blade with leather gripping and a beautiful black silk sheath with the shops name that said The bear's claw. The blade itself was hooked at the end like a bear's claw and at the end of the handle was a chain so that the sword could also be thrown and used for long range attacks as well as close range. Ten-ten and Hinata then said." Their amazing Naruto-kun!!!. thank you so much!!!." Ten-ten then said." You know Naruto-kun. Hinata and I couldn't help noticed how handsome and muscular you are. We're all alone up here so what do you say we have some fun???." And hinata said." I agree with ten-ten. We can't wait any longer Naruto-kun. We want you to take us now. Take our virginity Naruto-kun. We don't care what our parents think." And naruto said." Sure thing girls. After we All graduate the academy." And hinata said." I can wait until Then. How about you ten-ten???." And ten-ten said." Of course I can wait. But why do you want us to wait Naruto-kun???." Because Hinata's father is watching us with his byakugan and had been ever since we got here. Isn't that right. Lord Hiashi???." Hiashi The stepped out of the clearing behind them and said." I'm surprised you were able to sense me using my byakugan. How may I ask were you able to do it???." And naruto said." As an uzumaki i have very acceptional sensory abilities. I can sense chakra and even emotions for example. right now I can sense that you are not pleased with Hinata's choice of offering herself to me so quickly and are quite angry. Have you learned nothing from The last time I beat your advisors into the ground and could just as easily do the same thing to you???." Hiashi then gulped and said." Yes. Well. As thankful as I am for that my daughter is a different story. " And naruto said." I have no intention of taking advantage of Hinata-chan. Wood style: flower meadow of happiness.!!!." A field of flowers Then appeared around them and naruto said." Is that proof enough for you???. Or do I need to prove myself any further???." And Hiashi said." No. That won't be necessary. I've seen all I need to believe that your feelings for my daughter are genuine. Come along hinata. We must get home. The three of you have school tomorrow.."

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