chapter 5: naruto's training begins.

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It was the weekend and naruto had just become toshiro's apprentice in forging weapons he walked into the store and said." Hello toshiro Sensei. Shall I start physical training first???." And toshiro said." Sure why not. We are going to start you off with ten pounds of weight on both arms legs and torso to get you used to lifting heavy metals first. After that we will gradually increase the amount of weight by five pounds each time. Right now your wearing 50 pounds of weight in total. Wear those for a full month of training and then we will increase it to 15 pounds each." And naruto said." Okay. Sounds like a challenge but I think I can manage." And so naruto was Then handed a set of weights with ten pounds each and he could almost immediately feel the weight pulling down on him. He then started to take one small step at a time to get used to The weights and asked." You said that this was only 50 pounds total right???. Well even without the nine tails help I still don't feel it." And toshiro said." That's impressive. Most people would be dragging their feet by this point.but with the amount of stamina you have it's not surprising that you adjusted to the weights so quickly. Walk ten laps around the village for one month and then we will increase the amount of weight." Naruto then said." Great. You can count on me." And toshiro said." Good. Now then. Let me explain to you The different types of metals we use for building weapons. We have iron and steel witch is the most basic metals we use since they can be bought and sold anywhere in fire country. Then you have chakra conductive metal witch is very rare since it comes all the way from the land of iron country. We will start off with making shuriken Then move on to kunai knife and senbon needles. You need to start small before making anything else like a sword or suit of armor. Because those are more time consuming and one wrong slip up and you need to start over again. Understand???." And naruto said." Yes Sensei. I understand fully. We don't want to lose customers because of a faulty product. I'm going to start looking for a place to start making shuriken. Do we have any orders to fill???." And toshiro said." As a matter of fact I do. We just got an order for two dozen shuriken and senbon needles for The ANBU headquarters. Think you could handle that???." And naruto said." You need 24 shuriken done by tomorrow for delivery. Got it." Naruto then went back to the forge and started melting down The steel and iron to pour into the mold that would Then be used to create The first set of shuriken. After watching naruto forge mold shape and heat treat The first six shuriken he decided to take a look at them and see how well naruto did. So he went up to naruto and said." Those look quite impressive. May I test the quality of the shuriken you have made???." Naruto then handed the six shuriken to his Sensei who was surprised at how light weight they were. The fact that naruto had forged a set of six shuriken that looks perfect was hard to believe so he took all six shuriken and threw them at The target and to his surprise The shuriken all hit dead center and flew with such speed and accuracy that they were practically a metal blur. Shocked and speechless he looks at naruto and asked." Naruto. Have you ever picked up a hammer and forged metal before???. Because those were perfect!!!. Without a doubt one of the finest shuriken I've seen in all my years as a black Smith." And naruto said." No not really. But for some reason The moment I picked up the hammer and heated up the metal it's like I already knew how to make what you asked me to. As If it was second nature. Was my clan master weapons makers as well as sealing experts???." Toshiro just looked at naruto and with a wide eyed and dumbfounded expression nodded his head Yes and said" the best there ever was to be honest. Anyway. Finish the order and we will move on to forging Kunal blades naruto." Naruto then went back to finishing the orders for shuriken and senbon needles after witch he then tested each one of them to ensure that each one of them performed properly. After feeling confident that his shuriken were All well balanced out and sharpened for use he then packed them away in The crate labeled "ship to Anbu headquarters." He then went to forge The senbon needles witch only took him about the entire day to complete. Toshiro had to admit that naruto sure had determination that was for sure. and that determination would carry him through his career as a shinobi and a black Smith naruto headed home but before he did asked." Hey Sensei. I made myself a set of throwing weapons is it ok if I bring them home with me to practice with???" And toshiro said." Go ahead naruto. Infact keep them. you deserve it. Just don't tell anyone where you got them and Who made them. Accept for ten-ten and your other friends and family of course." And naruto said." Thank you Sensei. See you tomorrow morning." And toshiro said." Have a great day naruto!!!. naruto made it home safe and sound and when he stepped through the door jiraia and Tsunade said." Welcome home naruto. How was your first day at The forge???."and naruto smiling said." See for yourself." He then threw a shuriken and senbon needle at jiraia and Tsunade witch they thought would be slow but after the needle and shuriken cut The side of their faces and lodged into the Wall behind them jiraia asked." Naruto. What was that???. I must be imagining things. Because I've never seen a shuriken move that fast and accurate before. Did you make those!!??." And naruto said." Yeah I did. Cool huh???. Their so light weight and well balanced that your enemies would get cut before deflecting any of them" jiraia and Tsunade then went over to the wall and pulled out the shuriken and senbon needle and tsunade said." He's not kidding jiraia. It's so light I can practically balance it on The tip of my fingers!!!. Naruto these are incredible!!!. How did you make these things??!!." And naruto said." Depends on how badly you want them and how much you are willing to pay for them. Say. 300 Ryo for a full set of 12 senbon needles and 12 shuriken each???. and by My calculations that's 2400 Ryo for 2 dozen???." Tsunade and Jiraia's Jaws dropped and their eyes went wide and jiraia said." Are you crazy!?!?. How The hell can I afford that??!!. Tsunade your not seriously thinking of paying that kind of money for something like that are you!!??." And tsunade said." You bet I will!!!. Naruto I'll pay you full price and throw in chakra control exercises and medical ninjutsu training as an added bonus of payment. What do you say???." And naruto said." Pleasure doing business with you. you will have them to you by tomorrow afternoon when I get home." And tsunade said." Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!!. See jiraia. All you needed to do is find something extra to pay him with. It's simple really. Guess your still a baka when it comes to those kinds of things."

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