
After a day full of hair dye and eye pain, I was glad to have some time alone to pack. My flight was in a few hours, and I was only allowed to pack a carry on with my things inside.

The maids had rolled a small suitcase in my room, and I was told it was as big as my carry on luggage could be. I thanked them, and then they promptly left me alone to pack.

I wasn't allowed to pack any of my pretty dresses, just a few clothing items from the pile my maid bought. She had gone shopping earlier in the morning, and she came back with at least three hundred dollars worth of casual clothing. It was all from different teen-style stores, and I honestly didn't like any of it.

Though, I tried on a lot of it, and was able to pick out three outfits that I didn't hate. The first one, which I was wearing, was a knee length black skirt paired with flats and a plain blue blouse. I didn't hate it, though I definitely preferred dresses.

The second and third outfit both also contained skirts, both paired with a plain colored shirt. Though, for shoes, I also had a pair of black converse, which were apparently all the rage at the moment.

The maid had not bought any pants, probably figuring that I wouldn't like them. She was probably right, considering I was so used to wearing dresses.

After I packed outfits, I also threw in one of my nightgowns. It was one of the more casual ones, so I figured it would be fine. I also packed my silk slippers, as well as my expensive undergarments.

I added some necessities as well, like toiletries, fancy soap, hair product, and etcetera. Once I had packed every thing I absolutely needed, I realized I still had a tiny bit of space left.

I decided to pack my favorite book, as well as a small photo album I had always kept. Finally, I slipped in the credit card my Mother had given me, and decided that I had enough stuff.

I zipped up the suitcase, and began to roll it towards my door. When I got there, I stopped, looking at the full length mirror on the wall beside me.

My newly blonde hair was in a messy bun on top of my head. My maid normally styled my hair in perfect buns, but earlier she had taught me how to make messy ones myself. She also taught me a couple of other hair tricks, which caused me to wonder how she had been patient enough to do my hair all these years.

My eyes were brown, which I didn't actually hate as much as I thought I would. Both my parents had brown eyes, so now my own eyes reminded me of them. My old, blue eyes, were a result of my grandmother and great grandmother who had them as well.

I looked away from the mirror, my eyes wandering to the door of my room. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself and prepare to leave my room for the last time.

Without thinking about it for too much longer, I reached for the doorknob and turned it, quickly leaving my room and shutting the door behind me. I placed my hand on the outside of the door, almost as if to say goodbye.

I strolled down the hallway, pulling my suitcase along with me. I had to pull it with my right hand, as my left shoulder was still very sore from the bullet wound. I had tried my hardest not to strain it, though it still hurt quite a bit. My pain medication hadn't been doing much, yet they said they could not safely administer a higher dosage. So, I had to just deal with it.

"Honey! Let one of the maids get that!" Said my Mother as she hurried down the hall. It was always odd watching her run in heels, and I fought the urge to giggle every time.

"I'm going to miss you so much, hun," she said, enveloping me in a hug. I hugged her back with my good arm, letting my left arm stay limp at my side.

A tear slid down my cheek as I began to realize how hard it was going to be living away from them. I quickly wiped it away, wanting to seem strong.

"Your Father is waiting by the car. We can't go with you to the airport, so we'll say our goodbyes outside, yeah?" She said. I nodded, following her towards the staircase. A maid followed closely behind us, wheeling my suitcase.

Once we were outside, I hugged both my parents one last time, not caring that my shoulder hurt. We all shed a few tears, then it was finally time for me to go.

I climbed into the car, shutting the door behind me. I was tempted to look back, but decided against it when I realized that if I did, I probably would probably have a mental break down.

It had never been stated when I was returning. I assumed it would be when it was time for me to be crowned Queen. Though, if they didn't find the terrorists, would I ever be safe at the castle? And, more importantly, were my parents safe? They said they would be fine, but I wasn't sure if I believed them.

"George?" I asked the driver.

"Yes Princess?"

"Do you think my parents are safe?"

"It's not really my place to say."

"Please, George."

"Honestly? I'm a bit worried myself, Miss."

I sighed, putting my head in my hands. I didn't know what I'd do without my parents. They had to be safe. They just had to be.


My eyes opened slowly, taking in my surroundings. I didn't quite remember falling asleep on the plane, but I must have been asleep for a while. I looked out the window, realizing that we were on the ground.

The plane landing must have been what woke me up. Soon, the plane came to a complete stop, so I quickly got up and went to grab my suitcase from the overhead bin.

The plane had very few people in it, so I had been able to sit in an aisle alone. The only reason I had to fly on a regular flight and not on a private plane was because I had to blend in. My parents had arranged it, and thankfully it wasn't as confusing to fly alone as I thought.

At the beginning of the flight, A nice, older man had helped me put my suitcase in the overhead bin, and in return I helped him figure out how to take a picture on his phone. While I didn't have a phone myself, my maid had let me use her's on multiple occasions.

I carefully lowered my suitcase now, glad that I was able to grab it myself. Hopefully not having my maid to help me would be easier than I originally thought. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do anything for myself.

"Need any help?" Asked the same man from earlier. I smiled at him, shaking my head.

"I think I'll be just fine."

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