Chapter One

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The quill quickly glided along the smooth parchment paper, occasionally dipping into the pot of jet black ink at the side. Lena's focus was entirely on the studying she was used to doing most nights. Her raven hair rested on her back and shoulders, occasionally sliding off and onto her face; She used her free hand to tuck the strands behind her ear.

The Slytherin common room was deadly silent. Everyone had made their way to the Grand Hall for dinner, but Lena had other plans. Besides, she didn't have any friends to talk to. She was located in a metal chair beside her small bed, amongst the other almost identical desks and beds in the room. The room was dark, the only light source being the small candle on Lena's desk. She sighed as she finished writing her last sentence.

As she sat back she winced at the cold meeting her back; It caused her to shiver, even through her black sweater. Her gaze fell on the figure that formed in the doorway with a loud thud and an "Ow!" following.

Lena snatched her wand from the desk and hesitated to light up the room via the chandelier, but second guessed herself when the voice said,
"S-Sorry, I'm looking for - for my friend."

"Everyone is in the Grand Hall..." Lena stated, placing her wand gently onto the desk again. She gulped and looked away, realising that the candle light illuminated her figure entirely.
"I know. He was- Hey, uh..." The voice stopped as if they were thinking about what to say next. Lena looked back, almost believing the figure had disappeared. "How come you're not in the Grand Hall?"

"I'm not hungry." Lena deadpanned and turned back to the parchment paper, carefully rolling it up, ready to stuff it in her bag.
"Oh, alright." The voice was quieter and then disappeared entirely.


Kara glanced at either side of the hallway before stepping out of the Slytherin common room door. Her lips were pushed to one side as she thought about where to find Mon-El... No, she wasn't thinking about him; She was thinking about the girl in the dorm. Her bright green eyes and long black hair. Her features complimented her uniform, she smirked. It was funny how students matched their houses perfectly sometimes.

She lifted her walk into a skip as she reached the Hufflepuff common room, muttering the password and launching inside. As she made her way to her bed, Kara slid under the sheets and smiled to herself.

She wanted to know who this girl was. Tomorrow. Tomorrow morning. At breakfast. She would be there. She could say hello, properly.

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