Chapter 1: Moonlight Dance

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Hey everyone! I'm back with yet another Diabolik Lovers story. This time we'll be focusing on Subaru. I'm pretty excited so I hope any fans of Sucide Girl or Haunted Dark Bridal will enjoy this as well. Just a heads up, I recently started a Ko-fi page if anyone is interested in asking for personalized one shots or the like for a small price of a coffee. As an adult, it gets hard to make time to write my passions for free, but I figured it couldn't hurt to write more if anyone was willing to commission me. If this interests you, please check out my page at

Now~ Onto the story!

It was a calm and quiet night in Kamina town as the last leaves of autumn fell with ease to the ground. The air was cool and crisp, the scent of it reminding a certain white haired vampire of memories of the past. The night sky bared a full moon and Subaru currently was watching the glowing orb atop the roof of the local catholic church not too far from he and his brother's mansion.

His red eyes focused in on the sight as he lethargically rested with his back against the shingles, not really caring about whether it was comfortable or not. While the church was far from his ideal place to hang out, it was the only building tall enough to see past the trees surrounding their small town. So here he was, getting lost in his own thoughts.

After several minutes of staring at the moon, his brow creased in quiet frustration at the dull ache of loneliness as well as his overwhelming boredom. However, despite that, he really didn't want to be at home where his noisy brothers resided. Not knowing what to do with himself, he thought, "Maybe I can find some good prey to take my mind off of things."

As he pondered this, a small breeze of wind blew towards him carrying a sweet scent tht he recognized. The scent was none other than that of sweat, coming from a young female. Snickering at the coincidence, he figured this might be his opportunity to get a bite to eat.

Standing up, Subaru glanced around from the rooftop before zeroing in on the scent, which appeared to be coming from the courtyard below. Without much thought, he began to float downwards to ground level before landing behind a large bush. Peeking around, he could tell that the place was completely isolated apart from the source of the scent. After inching closer and closer, he eyed the woman from beyond the cover of darkness.

There in the middle of the courtyard was a pale young woman wearing nothing on this cold night but a black dress with a full lace skirt hemmed just past her thighs. Her movements were swift as she danced in the shallow waters of the large decorative fountain, her motions lit only by the light coming off the full moon. As she danced, she hummed a unique melody didn't recognize.

Subaru was stunned at the sight, noting that the woman appeared to be exuding a harmonious aura. He watched her graceful dancing with a entranced gaze as her pale skin glistened with sweat against the pitch dark night backdrop. She had lavender colored hair that was very short in the back with the sides as long as her chin, surrounding her small heart shaped face. As she danced, he noticed her figure was exceedingly slim and her motions made her appear as if she were not a small girl but a majestic bird flying through the air.

Subaru had never seen anything like it before and was surprised as he shook his head abruptly to rip himself out of his daze, causing the key around his neck to jingle somewhat loudly.

Hearing the sound, the girl immediately stopped dancing and was very astute in her ability to discern the direction from which the sound resonated from. She stared towards Subaru's direction before opening her mouth and stating lowly, "Come out from hiding and show yourself, heathen."

She then proceeds to sit down on nearby bench, as if she intended on waiting for the perpetrator to come out already.

Finding the situation strange enough already, Subaru contemplates whether he should just escape now or if he should just make her his prey and get on with it.

Making a quick decision, he swiftly teleported behind her, startling her only slightly as she turned and stared at his face with an indiscernible expression, her pale blue eyes staring deeply into his own.

Halfway flustered by this lack of reaction, he moves and covers her eyes with his hand, pulling her tightly against him from behind before lowly whispering, "I'm just passing through. If you act obedient, this will only hurt for a moment," before baring his fangs and lowering himself towards the nape of her neck.

Realizing what he was doing, she abruptly jerks her torso forward, unleashing a sudden burst of wind that launches Subaru over ten feet through the air.

"O-Oi!" he grunts completely thrown off guard, as he picks himself off the ground after just barely catching himself, "What the hell..."

His eyes narrowed at her as he stood up and hissed, "What are you? I've never seen your kind in these parts before."

She clicks her tongue at his observation, "Tch, so insightful. You're right, I'm not from these parts. But aren't you a bold one, making a sudden move before even figuring that out?"

"Fuck," Subaru swears at himself for not noticing she wasn't human before attacking. Suddenly recalling his rather light knowledge of supernatural beings, he glares at her before he demands, "What sort of business would bring a nymph here of all places?"

"What's it to you, vampire? I don't have to explain my business," she huffed before commenting, "Here I was simply taking in a glorious sight of the moon tonight when you showed up. But now that you're here, don't you feel as if something is about to happen? The moons feels heavy."

"I don't know what you're talking about. The full moon is always like this," he rebutted before looking at the moon himself. He would be lying if he said he didn't feel strange, however it was common knowledge that full moons always had this kind of effect on vampires. He glanced over at the girl, whose expression shifted from a stubborn look to a more vulnerable one as she sat in awkward silence.

Subaru felt irritated at the silence and scowled before grunting out, "Why were you dancing out here so late at night anyway?"

"Well, that's a dumb question. Why do you drink blood? Dance is to nymphs as blood is to a vampire. It's what gives us life," she stated bluntly, before sighing and continuing, "Tonight was a good opportunity to pay tribute to the moon. I figured it might be my last moment to do so."

"Hmph, why is that?" Subaru asked nonchalantly while crossing his arms.

"It doesn't really matter," she said without much emotion, her focus becoming very distant as she stared at the flowing water from the fountain. After several moments of silence, she stood up and looked directly at Subaru's face as if she was observing his features.

"What are you staring at me like that for?!" He growled, "I don't care what you are, I'll suck every last drop of blood from your body if you piss me off."

She appeared unphased by his threat, before commenting, "You know...for someone with such a harsh way of speaking, you have a surprisingly gentle face."

She slowly approached him, reaching out her hand before lightly touching his face. As she touched him, he noticed her hand felt oddly warm despite the fact that she was soaking wet. His skin prickled where she touched as if she had an electrical current running through her fingertips.

Subaru jerked away defensively as he shouted, "What the fuck do you think you are doing? Don't just touch me suddenly like that- it's disgusting!"

Pulling her hand away, she half smiled with a sad expression in her eyes as she whispered, "Poor thing," quietly enough so Subaru wouldn't hear. Her eyes appeared to water slightly as she muttered, "I'll take my leave now. See you around," before she turned around, suddenly forming a whirlwind large enough to consume her before she disappeared.

Subaru stared at the empty courtyard with utmost confusion as he tried to process what just happened. He started to feel uneasy, as if this meeting was more than a mere coincidence. Scoffing at the plethora of unwanted thoughts, he pinched his nose in irritation before deciding to go back to the mansion.

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