Random CS chaos

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Team Starlight sits in the main living room

Spry: from behind the camera Storytime: In every group of friends there is the dumb one

The Phantom Thieves glance/points at Ryuji while the CS cast does the same with Boomstick. Everyone laughs.

Ryuji: For real?

Boomstick: Kinda knew that one.

Definetly not trying to be cool...

Some of the cast are in the practice hall, practicing some dancemoves

Heat: flips backwards and quickly gets into an handstand afterwards Nailed it! Gets back on her feet

Heat then highfives Wiz (aka Baton Pass for all P5 fans here (and P5 noobs) )

Heat: Alright, up to you Wiz!

Wiz: Let's do this! Side flips and jumps back

Heat: Nice one!

The two dancers are about to highfive again, but Boomstick got in between, snatching the Baton Pass.

Boomstick: That's nothing against me!

The trick Boomstick was planning to do fails epicly.

Wiz: groans and facepalms

Heat: Yeah, leave that to the pros Boomstick.... sights

Music styles

Boomstick: Honest question guys, why are mostly the hackers or any techie people of a team associated with Eletronic music

Wiz: has "Bitter Majesty" (good track BTW) by Hachioji P sounding over his headphones I don't know what you mean?

Boomstick: You're proving my point right now!

Not a cat!

Morgana: For the last time Wiz, I'm only stuck in this body! I don't have any cat instincts!

Wiz: tries to hide a smirk You're sure?

Ren: I think I know what you're up to Wiz tries his best to not laugh

Wiz then shines a laserpointer on a wall

Morgana: Seriously? Looks like he fights the cat instincts to jump on the wall and attacking the point, but fails

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