CrystalMelody as YouTube musicians

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Yep, I am a fan of some awesome YouTube musicians and cover artists and here's who sounds similar to which girl from CrystalMelody:

Heat: Lollia

Lollia is a rock/cyber heavy artist with one hell of an amazing voice, who I got lately into. Since Heat has more of a rock/electronic sound in her solos, I though she would fit perfectly.

Susan: AmaLee

The reason for putting Susan to AmaLee is her more soft yet elegant voice, especially hearable in the Life will Change cover by her, and I think it would fit her.

Schanie: JubyPhonic

Juby and Schanie are both the cutesey/adorable voices of the two and both can sing higher then the other three girls on here.

July: Rachie

Last, but not least the two oddly unique voices, July and Rachie. Both girls fit cute and scary songs and they have medium to semi high ranges.

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