When I was done I looked at the time and it read 1:45 so I had just enough time to get there

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When I was done I looked at the time and it read 1:45 so I had just enough time to get there. I grabbed my phone and a jacket and went down to the garage to my baby.I hoped on my motorcycle and started my drive to the underground fight club.

I parked my baby and hoped off I then went to the security and showed them my tattoo on the back of my ear to show that I was the dark rose. You may be thinking a lot of people could get my same tat and pose as me but they can't it's by law in the fight club that you can't pose other fighters or you will be banned or punished for you actions.

They let me and I walked to the bar area where I saw my good friend Luke. "Hey Luke who I'm I up against" I asked him. He looked at me and gave me a big smile "I haven't seen you in awhile Sky and you up against crusher" he told me and I nodded. "Well I'll see you later I have to go train" I told him and he gave me a smile "good luck Sky".

I then walked away and into my room to get prepared for my fight. I rapped my hands and pulled my hair in a tight high ponytail. I walked over to a mat and started to stretch so I don't pull anything. When I was done I walked over to a punching bad and started to throw a few punches.

I hope that Tayler come he's always at my fights I pretty sure he's my number one fan. Usually Lilly and Ashlie don't come it's not really there scene. They don't really like violence I don't blame them the first fight I was in I broke my arm and had a fucked up face it's pretty crazy in the ring.

I stopped punching that bag and looked at the time 2:50 I got ten minutes until show time. I grabbed a bottle of water and took this time to ready myself and get in a good mindset.

I closed my eyes and thought over all the stuff I learned in the ring.

What I want to do to my opponent in the ring.

What I fight for in the ring.

And lastly motivation that I'm good enough to Win that I will come out on top if I stay focused .

I was soon cut out of thought when the door was opened revealing my brother. I looked at him and gave him a big smile.

"I'm so glad your here I was starting to worry that my number one fan was not going to show up" I said and he chuckled.

"I will always be here for you Sky" he said an came to give me a hug and kiss on the head.

"Good luck I'll see you out there" he said and I nodded and he then left the room. I took a deep breath in and then out to calm my nerves. I walked out of my room and waited for the announcer to call out my name.

"WELCOME LADYS AND GENTS" the announcer said. "IN ONE CONER WE HAVE THE CRUSHER" he said and I big buff guy came out with a white rob. "AND IN THE OTHER CONER WE HAVE HAVE THE 4 YEAR UNDEFEATED CHAMPION FROM FLORIDA THE DARK ROSEEEEEE" he said and I started my jog to the ring.

There was a lot of yelling and whistles that were heard all around the ring I looked around to find my brother. I spotted him in the front but what shocked me was that Hayden was right next to him. I gave him a confused look and he just shrugged and smirked at me.

"WHEN THE BELL RING THE MATCH WILL START" the announcer said and We both nodded.


We started to circle each other I studied him and what might be his weakness. I found out that it was his left leg. He started to run at me and tried to swing at me but I side step away from it. I took that as my chance so I the kicked his left leg and he went down.

I punished him in the jaw and in the eye he soon got up and punched my hard in the stomach. I stepped back from the blow and stumbled back into the fence that was around us.

This was apart of my plan he came running at me so I ran at him. He was confused put the soon realize that I was running but it was to late I had already sled under him and I then kick his back left leg.

He went down and I got on top of him and started to punch him hard and i mean hard in the face. Once I felt him go unconscious I stopped and got up. The ref came over and the bell rang telling us the fight was over.

He raised up my hand "the new champion of Californias underground fight club the dark rose." I smiled and then he let go of my hand.

I walked out of the ring and to my room to get my stuff. When I got there I unwrapped my hands and got a water bottle. Soon enough my door opened and in came Tayler and Hayden.

Tayler came up to me and gave my a hug "good job Sky" he said and I smiled at him. "You were amazing out there" Hayden said and I blushed. "Thx" I tell him and he winked at me.

I grabbed my stuff and we headed out of the fight club. We got outside and I was already tiered and my stomach hurts really bad because that bitch hit me really hard. "Taylerrrrr" I whined.

"Yes Skyler" he says "
I can't ride my motorcycle I stomach hurts to much"I tell him. I throw him the keys "please take care of my baby I'll go with Hayden" he nodded and I followed Hayden to his car.

I got into the passenger seat and I put on my seat belt. "You looked really sexy in that ring" Hayden told me and I smiled "did I" I asked and he nodded.

I bit my lip and he turned to me "don't do that" he said "do what" I asked and I bit my lip again teasing him. "That" he pulled my lip from between my teeth "because If you keep doing that I'm just going to take that as you wanting me to kiss you" he tells me.

I bit my lip once not believing that he will do it. I soon grabbed my face and pulled my closer to his lips. Are lips finally met and all I could feel is sparks.

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