Chapter 1

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Skyler's POV


I threw my alarm across my room so fast as it blared threw my ears. I hate Monday's and I hate school and I just hate the mornings.

I grown as I get up from my warm bed and started to walk to the bathroom so I could take a shower. Once I put the water to the right temperature I got in.

I started to wash my hair with my strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner once I was done with that I started to wash my body with my vanilla scented body wash.

When I was done in the shower I got out and rapped myself with a fluffy towel and went over to my sink. I started to brush my teeth and wash my face.

After I was done washing my face I walked over to my walk in closet and scanned threw my wardrobe for todays outfit.

It has to perfect because it my first day at a new school. I used to live in California before I had to move to Florida but now we're back because my dad's new job.

I'm really happy we're back because a lot of my friends are here so that's a plus.

"SKYLER YOU HAVE 10 MINUTES BEFORE WE HAVE TO GET TO SCHOOL" my older brother yells at me while banging on my door.

Let me tell you he think that he can boss me around because he's older by 2 fucking minutes can you believe that.

I start to rush threw my clothes to find the perfect outfit. I grabbed a white body suit and some blue ripped jeans paired off with some white Converse.

After I was dressed I ran over to my vanity to do a light set of makeup which consisted of mascara,highlighter, and doing my eyebrows

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After I was dressed I ran over to my vanity to do a light set of makeup which consisted of mascara,highlighter, and doing my eyebrows.

Once I was done with that I brushed out my now dried hair that is naturally wavy and ran to grab my backpack then I went down the stairs.

"I was just going to call you" my brother told me and I just flipped him off.

I grabbed an banana from the fruit basket and started eating because I was already running late so I knew that I couldn't eat breakfast.

My dad walked into the kitchen and gave a big smile to us. "Have a good day at school kids" he gave both me and my brother a hug goodbye.

"Bye dad love you" I told him as I walked Into are garage soon enough Tayler followed in behind me.

"Are you going on your motorcycle or with me" Tayler asked. "I'm going to go on my motorcycle, you know to make my grand entrance " I told him as I chuckled.

"Ok see you at school then" he said and got into his matte black Range Rover.

"Ok see you at school then" he said and got into his matte black Range Rover

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He then drove out of the garage and on to the street. I hopped on my motorcycle and put on my helmet and started up my beautiful baby. I always loved the sound of my motorcycle as it roar to life.

 I always loved the sound of my motorcycle as it roar to life

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I drove out of the garage and onto the street. Every time I drive my motorcycle I fell like I'm in the fast and the furious.

I zoom past cars as fast as I can to make it to school on time. I can't be late on my first day you might be thinking why would she care well I do yes I'm badass but I still do care about my attendance and grades at school.

After a couple of minutes I arrive at my new school. I pull into the parking lot and thought of what I should do to make my grand entrance great.

So I make three doughnuts in the middle of the parking lot and then went go to park my motorcycle.

Once I found a parking spot I park my motorcycle and got off. I look around with my helmet still on and see that everyone is starting at me.

Mission accomplished once I take off my helmet and hear a lot of gasps. I put my helmet on my motorcycle and pulled my backpack over my shoulder and walked to the front of the school.

I heard a lot of wolf whistles and people saying stuff like

"She's hot"
"Is she new I've never seen her"
"I so want to be her friend"
"I'm way hotter that her"

I scoffed at the last comment but didn't say anything as I walked in to school. "HOLY SHIT IS THAT SKYLER BEER" I heard and all to familiar voice say.

I turned around and there stud my best friends Lilly and Ashlie. We all started running at each other and we engulfed are selves in a group hug.

"Ohhh my god I haven't seen you In forever" Ashlie said with a big smile.

"I know I missed you so much" Lilly added.

"Awww I missed you guys too" I said and gave them my biggest smile.

"Now show me where the office is so I can get my locker number and my schedule". I told them."Follow me" Lilly said while walking away.

We walked into the office and I walked to the front desk. There was a lady there with long brown hair she looked like she was in her mid thirties.

"Hi there what can I do for you ladies today" she said with a smile. "Well I'm here to get my schedule and my locker number" I responded.

"What's you name sweetheart" she said. "Skyler Beer" I told her. She started to type on her computer until I heard a printer printing something.

She got up to get the paper that had just been printed and she handed it to me. "There you go your all set" she said while sitting back down in her sit.

"Thank you, ohhh and I was wondering did my brother come in here by any chance his name is Tayler beer" I asked.

"Yah he came in about 5 minutes ago" she told me and I just gave her a small smile.

"Let me see you schedule" Ashlie asked. I handed her my schedule and she looked over it. "We have first and fifth together". She said as she handed the paper to Lilly.

Lilly scanned over the paper for a second "we have fourth together" she informed me.

We walked out of the office and the only thought in my head was this is going to be fun.

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