(Ch.1) the intro

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that guy right there?... that's me.. now, you're probably wondering how I got into this situation.. To be honest, I'm not so sure myself. In order to really tell you, we're gonna have to go waaaayy back... All the way to the beginning..

 *classic song (https://youtu.be/fKK0OjueX4A) plays as the camera pans up into the sky. opening credits start to appear on the screen in numerous funny locations such as the clouds in the sky we're being shown. the camera eventually pans back down to the same suburban neighborhood in which we started, but the setting is a bit different now. the music suddenly fades out as our main character says some dumbshit, and a deafening laugh track plays. "..w-what's so funny," you think to yourself, but youre cut off and before you can comprehend what just happened- you fucking die.*

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