Part 2..CH 8

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It had been a few weeks since the Namjoon thing happened and you and him actually seemed better now, more comfortable with each other. You joke and play goofs with each other and it's almost like you have become best friends. No one brings it up and he doesn't really eye fuck you anymore like the others do. It is refreshing to have one less tearing your clothes off at every chance they can get with their minds.

The weather is so nice outside and everyone has planned a big backyard pool party and barbecue. You and Hoseok are in charge of the pool and the pool inflatables and it gives you a great chance to try out your new swimming suit Jimin got you. Jin is finally putting together some Korean barbecue meats with Yoongi and you can't wait for this night.

"You sure you want to wear that while you and Hopie are in charge of the pool and have to work alone out there?" Jimin questions you as you hold up the tiny new bikini.

"You bought it for me, don't you want to see me in it babe?" You smirk at him and pull off your shirt, defying him.

"Are you trying to bring daddy out to punish you before your hard work my beautiful queen?" He smacks your ass hard and laughs.

"I have work to do with Hoseok, I guess daddy will have to just wait his turn." You smile deviantly at him, knowing what you will deal with later and walk into the bathroom closing the door behind you.

You hear Jimin mumble something and scream "But damn I love you so much." as he walks out of the bedroom and all you can do is smile at his words, stepping into the tiny strings of fabric.

This bikini doesn't really leave much for imagination. It is black with swirls of blue, green and purple running through it and it barely has enough fabric to cover you. You tie the bright green silk sash around your waist to cover you a little better and head out of your room to find Hobi.

"Jesus, where the hell did that come from.." Jungkook gawks at you. You still gauge his reactions to you, unsure if he is really turned on or really disgusted by what you're doing and how you have been behaving.

"Jiminie bought it for me when we were out the other day, he figured I would need something for when the weather broke, what do you think?" You do a half turn and wait for a reaction.

"I think that sash is see through and not offering you much." Jungkook scoffs and walks past you, leaving to once again decide if his reaction was bad or good. 

Why has he become so hard to understand, it never used to be this way with him. He always shot straight with you and never worried about how you would feel later because he knew that you knew he loved you no matter what. It feels like he is missing and replaced with this more confused, coarse version that has went from Kookie back to just Jungkook. 

"Heyy..over he...." Hoseok chokes when he sees you cross over the concrete patio and walk toward the pool shed.

"Hi Hopie, have you started yet?" You smile warmly at him, knowing he is dying inside from this look you now own.

"I..uhm...w..what the hell...what the hell is that!" He stumbles over himself, pointing you up and down.

"Oh, Jimin got this for me to wear today, do you like it?" You turn teasingly slow for Hobi to take in every angle you can offer him.

"I..well..uhm..where is Jimin?" Hoseok coughs out, trying to find words.

"He is across the yard helping the others haul wood up for the fire tonight." You bend over right in front of him purposely teasing him.

"Oh..Holy...ok." Hoseok spills out trying to act like he didn't notice.

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