33 | the mother of demons

Start from the beginning

They walk reluctantly towards Sabrina, almost like they're afraid of her. "Are you the real Sabrina?"

"What're you talking about?" Selene raises an eyebrow at them, taking a step towards her best friend.

"Is she the Sabrina that tried to kill us and turn us into vegetables?" Roz questions as Theo smirks.

"Yeah, but don't worry, I killed them."

"Oh, that was Sabrina's mandrake," Selene exclaims as the trio stare at her in confusion. "It's a long story."

Not even wanting her to elaborate on that story, Harvey sighs. "What the hell is going on?"

"Guys, the Dark Lord is in Greendale," Sabrina answers, immediately gaining their full attention. "He wants to jump-start the Apocalypse by opening the Gates of Hell, which are apparently also in Greendale."

"I think they're in the mines," Selene theorizes, thinking back to the vision she had of the demons walking out of the mines during the winter solstice.

"If they're in the mines, we can help," Harvey declares, motioning to him, his girlfriend, and Theo.

At this point, Nick walks over and intervenes. "No offense, farm boy, but you'll wanna sit this one out."

"I wasn't talking to you," Harvey clarifies, glaring at the warlock. "I was talking to Sabrina and Selene. Let us help. Let us find the Gates of Hell, at least."

"They're mortal," Nick points out, not taking notice about the fact that Sabrina is also mortal. But she makes sure to point it out.

"Don't forget, Nick, so am I."

"Like, mortal mortal?" Harvey's eyes widen, glancing between Sabrina and Selene like they've told him the most shocking thing in the world.

"That's another long story," Selene remarks, playing with her hair nervously. "It'd be awesome if you guys could find the Gates of Hell, but we really need to find a way to keep them closed."

"Like, with dynamite?" Harvey suggests as Zelda calls for the girls from the house. "I think it could work. We'll do our best."

"Be careful," Sabrina instructs, wanting their friends to be safe, despite the predicament they're currently in. "And be in touch."

Sabrina hurries off towards the house as Nick turns to Selene, gently holding her face. "What about me?"

"Stay safe," Selene begs him quietly before leaning forward to kiss him. It kills her to let him leave her side, but he has another person he needs to protect. "And find your sister."

He nods at her before she follows Sabrina into the house, shutting the door behind her. The group sit on the couch anxiously. Selene stays silent as the aunties, Ambrose, and Sabrina talk. She can't bring herself to speak, because she can feel her sword calling to her. It's currently in the basement of the house in a locked box.

She's pulled out of her thoughts as Ms.Wardwell walks into the living room. The group jump to their feet, everybody jumping in front of Sabrina. But that doesn't stop Sabrina from glaring at the older witch. "Ms.Wardwell. Here to do more of your master's bidding? She's been plotting against us, this whole time."

"Is that how you got past our protection?" Zelda asks, matching Sabrina and Selene's glares. But Ms.Wardwell appears to be unbothered by them.

"Well, I don't have the same aversion to onions as our Dark Lord has. Come along, now, girls. He doesn't like to be kept waiting."

She takes a step towards Sabrina and Selene, only for Selene, Hilda, Zelda, and Ambrose to leap into action, putting up a boundary spell that'll kill her if she tries to come closer to them. Even Hilda, who's normally as kind as it gets, gives Ms.Wardwell a nasty look. "You are outmatched, dearie. Four of us for one of you."

"Terrible odds for a witch," Ambrose points out only for Ms.Wardwell to smirk at him.

"Witch? I'm not a witch. Well, not only a witch."

"Then who the Heaven are you?" Sabrina questions as things start to fall into place for Selene. She realizes who Ms.Wardwell is, quickly finding out why she's been able to manipulate them so easily.

"You yourself, Sabrina, walked in my shoes. If only for a night."

"Adam's first wife. Mother of demons," Selene speaks up, having read the stories about how Adam's first wife was the first witch. A very powerful one, at that. "Lilith."

"What'd you do to Ms.Wardwell?" Sabrina's eyes widen in disbelief as a terrible possibility dawns on them. "Did you kill her?"


"She was my favorite teacher. And you killed her, and you've been posing as her, helping the Dark Lord, helping me and Selene fulfill the prophecy."

"And now you both have to come with me," Lilith finishes for the Spellman girl with ease. "Or He will come to you and destroy everything and everyone in His path."

Selene glances back at Sabrina and the pair silently make up their minds. They'd rather go alone, so the Dark Lord won't be anywhere near their loved ones. "We'll go with you."

As soon as the words leave Selene's lips, Hilda, Zelda, and Ambrose protest. So Sabrina pipes up. "We have to face him. We need some answers."

"I'll go with them," Ambrose takes a step towards Selene, only for her to shake her head at him.

"Like hell."

"You may take your familiars," Lilith rolls her eyes at them as Violet and Salem stroll into the room together. Selene picks up Violet, finding her familiar's presence comforting as the group head to the Gray Room to meet the Dark Lord.


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