epilogue | part 2

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epilogue | part 2
no rest for the wicked.


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13 DAYS. THAT'S how long Selene locked herself in her room for after Nick sacrificed himself to save everybody. She's been in her room mostly sleeping and crying. She's refused to eat or see anybody.

13 days since Lilith became the Queen of Hell, Nick was taken to Hell, Sabrina got her powers back, Ms.Wardwell was resurrected, Quinn left town, Zelda became the 1st High Priestess of the coven, Freya was caught trying to skip town with Faustus, and Caroline was named a Council member.

Faustus got away with the twins, but Freya was caught. She's now in the Witching Cell at the Academy, but nobody's sure what to do with her. However, it's been proven she's been conspiring with Faustus for years, so she's being charged for treason. She's no longer a member of the Council, so Caroline ended up filling her spot.

Quinn had broken up with Sabrina and skipped town, because like her mother, she's witch bipolar. She needed to go get help, so that's what she's doing now.

Lilith also gave Selene a gift when she became Queen of Hell. She bought someone back that would've been close to Selene if he had been raised with her. Her half-brother, Elliott. He's been keeping things on the down low since he was bought back though, so much to her dismay, he's been staying with Louna.

But 13 days after Nick's death, Selene came out of her room, looking perfectly fine. She's taken a shower, brushed her hair, put on some light makeup, and put on a decent outfit. She comes out of her room with a bag, and immediately calls Prudence and Louna and tells them about her plan. She, however, doesn't want Sabrina in on her plan, so she leaves the Spellman girl a quick note.

Dear Brina,

I'm going to find a way to fix all of this. To bring Nick back and trap the Dark Lord for the rest of eternity. To get my mom back. To punish my dad. Just don't come looking for me, please. This is something I need to do alone, so I can make sure you're safe. I love you, B.


As she walks to her car, Ambrose rushes out of the Spellman house with a bag. She raises an eyebrow at him as he shrugs. "I know you, Selene. I knew it'd only be a matter of time before you decided you wanted to go find a way to get him back. I wanna help get our guy back."

She nods at him, packing her bag into the car as Louna and Prudence walk up with Elliott trailing behind them. Selene feels his eyes on her, and when she turns around, she immediately recognizes him from the picture Louna had shown her weeks before. "Elliott, I thought you were-"

"Dead?" He infers cockily. He's wearing a white t-shirt, a leather jacket, and dark jeans. And he doesn't look a day older than 19. "Well, it was a little hot for me, so when Lilith offered me a chance to leave, I bounced."

"Your brother is infuriating," Louna remarks, glaring at him. They've spent the last several days together, and while Elliott appears to have enjoyed them, she didn't. This is clear as she hands Selene her sword. She's been holding onto it since the night Nick died. "But we're here to help. Whatever you need."

"Good, because we need to find our mother and get her memories back," Selene declares, glancing at Elliott. The others give her strange glances, but she shrugs. "When she knew she was a witch, she was ridiculously powerful. She can help us."

"Then we need to find our father," Prudence informs her half-sister as they all climb into the redhead's Mustang. "He has the twins, and he tried to poison the entire coven."

"Then we'll find a way to bring Nick back," Selene sighs tiredly as she drives to the academy. She looks at all of the passengers in the car before locking it behind her. "Stay here."

With that, she marches into the academy, setting her sights on the Witching Cell. She pushes the door open to find Freya sitting in a chair, looking smug. "I wouldn't talk to Zelda, what makes you think I'll talk to you?"

"You're gonna talk," Selene tells her, her voice calm and persuading, the way she's practiced over the last couple of hours. "You did some bad things, Freya. You're gonna admit it or you're gonna face death."

"For what?"


"Your father was the High Priest when I was working with him," she points out, acting as though she's done nothing wrong. "I was just doing my job."

"So helping murder the Anti-Pope and trying to frame my boyfriend for it was just doing your job?" She questions, crossing her arms. "Helping cover up my half-brother's death was what... a normal Tuesday for you?"

Something seems to register on her face for a moment, but she quickly recovers herself, trying to play dumb. "I didn't even know you had a half-brother till now-"

"Liar," Selene accuses, knowing exactly how her father had managed to get away with so many things over the years. She then leans forward so that she's close to Freya's ear, whispering a spell that'll make her tell the truth. "Justice now. Consequences now. It is so."

Freya's eyes glaze over as the persuasion spell takes effect. Selene smirks at her handiwork. "When Zelda comes in here to talk to you, you're gonna tell her everything you've done. She'll decide what your sentence will be."

Freya nods absentmindedly as Selene slips out of the room, only to run into Zelda. Zelda looks at her as though it's been years since they've seen each other, but she gapes once she notices it's Freya's room she just came out of. "Did you hurt her?"

"No, don't be ridiculous," Selene answers, forcing a small smile for the older witch's sake. "I'm happy for you, Zelda. You're finally High Priestess."

"Really?" Zelda deadpans, caught off guard by her kind words. She'd expected Selene to be a little mad since that's why she's wanted for her entire life. "If you're lying, I can step down-"

"No," Selene shakes her head, taking the witch's hand gently to reassure her. "I've been told all of my life that I wanted to be High Priestess, but the truth is... I don't know if that's what I really want. I don't know what kind of witch I wanna be. So I need to figure that out before I even think about being High Priestess. In the meantime, the coven's in good hands."

Zelda nods as Selene leaves the academy, slipping back into her car. Elliott grins as she climbs into the car, excited to get to know his half-sister. "It's a long way to Florida, little sister. You sure you wanna do this?"

He leans forward and touches her arm, and when he does, Selene gets the oddest feeling. It's not like her visions, it's something else. She feels what's coming.

How they're all gonna go through change, good and bad. And how they're gonna face good and evil and have to choose between those paths. And Selene can't help but match her brother's grin.

"Yeah. After all, there's no rest for the wicked."


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