13 | no spell-casting for you two

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no spell-casting
for you two.

WHEN SELENE COMES to, she wakes up in the basement of Baxter High sitting next to Sabrina

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WHEN SELENE COMES to, she wakes up in the basement of Baxter High sitting next to Sabrina. Her hands are bound behind her back with rope, and she has a gash on the back of her head from the demon hitting her. The pain is nearly unbearable, but Selene keeps herself from crying by biting down on her tongue. She knows that demons feed on fear, so she won't let the one in front of her see hers.

"Selene," Sabrina struggles against her own restraints, trying to get to the redhead. "Are you okay? You-"

"I'm fine," Selene cuts the girl off, doing her best to make her voice sound normal. But she doesn't turn to face Sabrina, she keeps her focus on the demon. Flies swarm around him, and he smells like a decomposing animal. "What do you want with us?"

She then shifts in her seat, trying to get the rope loose, but she has no such luck. The demon smirks. "Your hands are bound. No spell-casting for you two."

"Why are you doing this?" Sabrina asks, doing her best to get her own hands free.

"No one else would," it snarls, pulling a blade out of its pocket angrily. "Only my brothers and I would dare it."

"Dare what? Just say it."

Tears well in Sabrina's eyes as Ms.Wardwell appears behind him, not threatened by the demon at all. "Lord of Flies, I name you and bind you here, before me, in Lucifer's name, your Lord."

Selene takes this as a chance, and uses her weight to tip the chair. Her stomach does a summersault as the chair falls back onto the ground, and she lets out a pained grunt as the chair breaks into pieces under her. The demon doesn't even flinch as she whispers a spell, freeing her hands.

"Lucifer?" The demon scoffs, disgusted by the mention of the Dark Lord. "Aah, I stood beside the Son of Dawn before witch and mankind walked upon the Earth. Aah, but do I not know you?"

It looks at her accusingly, like they know each other but she remains unfazed. She watches Selene untie Sabrina out of the corner of her eye, yet maintains eye contact with the demon. "I am Mary Wardwell. You are trespassing, demon."

"No, I recognize you," it insists, pointing at finger at her to make a point. But before he can say anything else, she uses her powers to banish it and its flies back to hell. She then sighs. "Well, girls, how have your sabbatical's been so far?"

"Not great," Selene answers as Sabrina uses her powers to heal the wound on her head. As she does, the pain vanishes and Selene heaves a relived sigh.

Ms.Wardwell then leads them to her office where she makes them sit down and talk to her. "If demons are hunting you two with any... regularity, perhaps you guys should transfer back to Baxter High. It would please Hilda, and I could keep an eye on you."

"Its all because of this stupid election," Sabrina states, pissed that somebody would send another demon to attack them. "I've already been eliminated, but Selene just has to get through it."

"What election is that?"

"I want to be Top Boy," Selene answers, her mind racing. Why is this election so important that somebody would injure her? The demon could've killed her or Sabrina.

"Oh, I see," Ms.Wardwell nods, making sure to word her next sentence very carefully. "Uh, stab in the dark, the warlock's aren't too keen on the idea of a female Top Boy, are they?"

"They're pissed," the redhead informs, not bothering to make it sound better than it is. The warlock's are furious that she's running, even if they won't tell her directly. Her father has even been giving her the cold shoulder. The only ones who seem to not be angry are Nick and Ambrose, and that's just because they love her.

"How many boys are you competing against?"

"Just one," Sabrina replies before Selene can. She's been weary of Nick since the challenge began. "Her boyfriend, Nick Scratch."

"Well, with a name like that, I can only imagine he's trouble," Ms.Wardwell remarks, only for Selene to shake her head.

"Nick wouldn't do that," the redhead insists, not having any reason to believe Nick would even think about doing that to her. She knows he plays dirty sometimes, but he's never done it against her and she's never given him a reason to. "He would never."

"Selene, is there any chance this handsome young warlock is clouding your judgement?" Ms.Wardwell demands as Selene looks at Sabrina. She's surprised to see that Sabrina looks like she's believing what the older witch is saying. "And what does this provocatively named Nick Scratch study at the Academy?"

"Conjuring," Selene bites down on her lip the second the words leave her mouth. She knows how it seems, but she knows Nick cant be behind this. She just needs to prove that to Sabrina, so she latches onto the girl's wrist and pulls her towards the door. "I'm sorry, Ms.Wardwell, but we have to go."

"Where are we going now?" Sabrina raises a curious eyebrow, despite the fact that she already knows the answer.

"We're going to find Nick, so I can show you how wrong Ms.Wardwell is."

And that's exactly what they do. Nick assured her that he had nothing to do with the demon attacks, and he lead them to the academy's library where he showed them a book he'd read last year. It showed them that in the monarchy of hell, there's three plague kings—the exact greater demons that attacked Selene and Sabrina. And they're definitely not demons that can just be summoned by a novice. Nick is the best conjurer at the academy, and not even he could pull that off alone. This leads them to believing there's only one other person who would do this, Selene's father. And they intend on finding out if he did it or not.


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