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And with that, they were signed to Elektra Records and finally got a manager— Doc

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And with that, they were signed to Elektra Records and finally got a manager— Doc. "How do I look?" Nikki asked Nicole.

"You look fine, why do you keep asking me?" Nicole grumbled as she tied his gloves on.

"Because this is our first show out of the clubs. There eighteen thousand people out there, Nic." Nikki sulked.

"You look hot, now stop worrying." Once Nicole finished tying up his gloves, Nikki grabbed her ass and pulled her into his chest. He place a sweet kiss on her lips, making sure that the kiss was long enough so that he could remember it while he was on stage.

"I love you, baby." He told her.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be out in the crowd." She chuckled, placing her hand on his chest.

"Remember our promise?" He asked her.

She smiled. "Yeah."

"The deadline to respond to your law school is next week. Are you going to accept?" He inquired.

"Well," she paused, "according to our pinky promise... I can't. Motley Crüe is successful, and, now, I'm your financial burden."

Nikki smiled, satisfied with her answer. "Hey, can you tell Tommy he can't keep wearing my pants? I saw he was wearing my red pants tonight, but he ran away before I could say anything." She asked Nikki.

"Yeah, sure." Nikki snickered.

* * *

"Ladies and gentlemen, from Los Angeles, Motley Crüe!" An announcer spoke out into the arena.

Nicole was front and center in the crowd. She needed to see it all, the fire, the band, the lights, everything. Nikki looked extremely nervous, but as soon as he caught sight of Nicole, his nerves relaxed.

Then they began with their new, controversial song. Shout at the Devil.

* * *

Not even a day later, MTV was covering Motley Crüe's controversial song. But, the band was having way to much fun on tour to really care what people were thinking about them.

The band was causing all sorts of ruckus in the hotels they stayed at. They blew fireworks in hotel room, ran through the halls naked, set fires and more. With it, their drug use increased. And Nicole was indulging in it, too.

One night, Nikki was running through the halls smashing all the lights with his guitar with Nicole by his side in just her bra and underwear. Nicole was shouting the lyrics to She's Got The Looks That Kill as Tommy threw bottles of alcohol on the walls in his underwear, too. They were all raising hell, but having the time of their lives more than anything.

The band sold over a million albums within the year and were making loads of money. But the band was also blowing through the money like no tomorrow.

* * *

The rush Nicole and Nikki got from sniffing cocaine was immense. And it made their sex feel ten time better. Nicole lined up the angel dust the table and sniffed it all up right after Nikki had taken a line, too. He grabbed her and threw her on the bed, kissing her from her neck down to her inner thigh.

She giggled and teased Nikki by keeping his face away from her after he had pampered her in kisses. Then, they had sex. Their sex was sloppy and quick, but they didn't care. They were addicted to the cocaine, and the cocaine made them feel like their sex was perfect and lasted for hours. It put them on cloud nine and allowed them to escape from reality for as long as they were high.

But, reality would soon set in.

* * *

Nicole was wandering the halls backstage, watching the walls move around her. She knew the only reason why she thought the walls were moving around her was because of the cocaine, but, she thought it was pretty cool.

She couldn't find Nikki anywhere. The show had ended and usually they'd meet after and have a drink or two together. She wandered over to his dressing room and walked in. And the first sight she saw was of Nikki fucking some whore on the couch. Not to mention, an ugly one too!

Nicole gasped and stumbled back a bit in shock that Nikki would cheat on her. After all of their promises to each other. Nikki's eyes widened as he realized that Nicole had walked in on him. "What the fuck?!" Nicole cursed then ran out of the room. She suddenly felt like she couldn't breathe. As if Nikki has ripped out her heart and tore it to pieces. Everything felt so blurry since she was on drugs and she wasn't even sure if what she saw was real. But, for her, it was real enough to know that Nikki wasn't being faithful.

She stood outside and screamed as loud as she could. She pressed her hands to the sides of her head in anguish and began to cry. Her soft crying turned to ugly sobbing. She watched as her hot, black, mascara filled tears rolled down her faces and onto the pavement.

Not even a few minutes later, she saw the whore that was fucking Nikki scurry outside. Nicole grabbed her arm so that she could flee from her. "You goddamn bitch!" Nicole spat at her.

The girl shot her a dirty look. Nicole grabbed her hair and yanked her to the ground. "And you're a fucking ugly whore, too!" Nicole let go of her hair, shoving her away. The girl whimpered and scurried away, her high heels clacking against the pavement as she ran away.

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