C H A P T E R 6

135 8 4

Your Pov

You jokingly wink at josh while still lying on Tyler . From the corner of  your eye you see Tyler looking down at you smiling with his teeth , you loved it so much until BAMMM mother nature called 

Y/n: shit

Tyler: whats wrong?

Y/n: nothing ill be back

You get up out of Tyler s warm arms and make your way to the bathroom.

Tylers pov 

Josh: spill sis 

Josh says crossing his leg sitting next to tyler putting his best girl voice on

Tyler: what* tyler begins to sweat*

Josh: Come on Ty, your really gonna act clueless 

Tyler: dude I don't know what your talking about

Josh : I see how its gonna be well I was thinking of asking y/n out

Tyler looks up at josh dumbfounded 

Tyler: what? you cant yo-u

He was cut off

Josh: Because you like Jesus , Tyler

Tyler looks down at the ground and joshs words he really likes her but he cant tell josh because he josh knows y/n knows and Tyler still doesn't know how y/n feels

Josh : Tyler?*he waves his hand back and fort of tylers face

Y/n: what did I miss

Tyler : absolutely nothing

Tyler moves over making room for y/n on the bed

Josh : by the way danny is having a party at his house so you should be able to make it if you come straight after you talk to the coach

Tyler: wait but we don't even know danny that well

Josh: neither will half of the people going you will be fine oh y/n you can come too don't worry

Y/n: Ayee first partayyy let goo

Tyler: Jesus you drunk already*he jokes*

Y/n: oh wait till you see things get real messy when im drunk 

Josh: cant wait at least someone knows how to let go

Y/n : what do you mean?

Josh: Tyler here doesn't drink

Tyler : ok well im sorry it tastes disgusting

Josh: Because that bud-light was like two years old

Tyler: whatever 

Y/n: dude you think I like the taste? I do it for the hype man wait but what you talking for the coach for?

Josh: oh gosh here go

Tyler: ok basically 

Josh : no I will explain because you take too long

Tyler ; fine 

Josh : Right Tyler has been dreaming and talking about playing for state all his life , all his family did it and I guess he must carry on the legacy but tyler didn't get excepted because there wasn't enough room but I guess there was an opening

Tyler: or...*tyler interrupts*

Y/n: or?

Josh: Or tyler is getting kicked from the team which I doubt 

Y/n : why would he be getting kicked from the team

Josh: Well tyler only joined the school team like two days ago and chads dad is the coach of the school and club team that tylers dad has been playing for years and maybe chad my of said something

Tyler is now burying his head in his hands not looking the best

Y/n: hey you will be fine * you run tylers back *

Tyler: its not though *he removes your hand and stands up*, if I get kicked I have nothing the plan is to get a scholar ship in basketball for college , I jus-t*he drops back down on the bed and takes a deep breath*things arnt going as I planned

Y/n : Tyler im not going to lie to you things are not going to as planned a lot but I promise it will work out in the end 

Tyler rubs your hand with his thumb in circular motions before resting his head on your shoulder 

Tyler: I hope so

Josh : Im gonna head debbys calling*he looks down at his phone assuming debbys text and bites his lip*ill see you two at dannys

You both drop down and lie on the bed still holding tylers hand looking at the ceiling 

Y/n: So....

Tyler: no no no

Y/n: Please tyler *you plead *

Tyler bites his lip looking into your eyes hearing his name escape your mouth excited him so much.

Tyler:  ah fine 

Tyler begins to help you with the maths once again , you gaze into his eyes ignoring his words excepting you will never understand how to the slope of a circle

Authors Note

AYeeee sorry being inactive I have literally been doing nothing at all the last few days my bad 

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