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Climb the ladder slowly, eyes ahead. Halfway from the ground and on her way into the sky, even if she wanted to, the way down seemed just as impossible. Barely able to breath, the young teifling panted and gasped. A tight orange leotard clung to her sweeping figure, sparkling under the harsh lights of the old circus tent. Head throbbing, she felt as though she could barely see. Her beautiful black locks remained in their neat ringlets, as if trying to help her and not get in the way. Heart clenching quickly, her body trembled and her fingers quivered as she continued her oneway journey. Each rung seemed further and further away, wider and wider apart, more difficult to grip in powered hands as she mixed flour with water to create a batter of fear. Kathari sighed and shook her head quickly, shaking herself off and keeping up the assent.
A platform. Safety? She planted her bare feet into the wood, each one hitting the board with a satisfying pat. She could do it. Deep breath and look ahead. But those naive little eyes betrayed her, wondering to the ground far below and sending a ripple through her body that left her in spirals. Chest heaving in amber, she desperately tried to catch each breath which escaped her, trying harder and harder to reach them, going faster and faster to grab that fickle air.
Then he walked in... He was interrupting practice, he knew he wasn't supposed to- it didn't matter.. he was here. Kath paused and all motions ceased. That height didn't seem so huge and that rope didn't seem so flimsy. She didn't call out for she didn't need to. But, she knew she could and she knew if she did he would hear her and be there for her as soon as he could.

The brave teifling took her first steps; her tail was her beam as she wondered out into the sky on a thread. Arms stretched wide she could feel him beside her, an invisible guard to keep her balanced and centred. It didn't matter he was down on earth; his presence made everything ok, it made her feel safe and he would catch her if she fell.
Centre of the line, halfway through her journey in the stripy clouds. Confidence and long strides, toes swirling one in front of the other in a rhythm of calm. Her breath slowed, shoulders dropped; the finishing line was in sight and he was still there, hundreds of miles below but still within arms reach.
With a flurry of pink and orange, she pitter pattered onto the ledge. A deep sigh and she'd done it. Now to climb back and see him: tell him how she'd overcome herself, all because of him. Her safety net.

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