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Miyah POV

It's been one month since I last talked to val and I feel kinda bad about what I said but she made me angry. I tried to be nice but she told me she hated me so I don't know what to do anymore.

Maybe I shouldn't have said if she dies we wouldn't care, that was kinda cruel.

I tried calling her but I didn't get an answer so I texted her.

Hey val..

I'm sorry 😔

Plz text me or call to let me know you're okay

I'm fine, I just need time to myself. Goodbye.

I sighed and put my phone away.

I really fucked up and I want her to come back.

Coolie POV

I was laying in my bed thinking about if Valerie was okay when I got a message from miyah.

Valerie texted me...

What did she say?

She said she was fine but she needs time to herself.

Well that's good


I locked my phone and got up, putting on my shoes and walking over to ools house.

I knocked on the door and he opened it slowly. He looks like he hasn't slept since last Tuesday and it looks like he hasn't eaten.

"Damn bro you need some rest and some food" I said, shocked.

"I don't wanna eat and I can't sleep" he said.

"Come on can eat something, your getting skinnier" I said.

He walked away from the door and I walked inside, closing the door behind me.

I walked to his kitchen and searched in the fridge, freezer, and cabinets until I found some soup.

I put it in a pot and turned on the stove, letting warm up.

While waiting somebody knocked on the door so I went and opened it to see miyah.

"Uh hey I just came to check on ool" she softly.

"Oh he's in his room but can help me make him eat" I said

"Yeah sure, did you cook anything" she asked.

"I'm making soup" I said as I walked back to the kitchen.

"Okay well I'll go upstairs with him" she said.


I don't know what to do without her here with me.

"Hey" miyah said while walking into the room.

I didn't say anything.

"I have some good news" she said.

"What is it" I mumbled.

"Talked to val" she said making me jump up.

"Is she okay" I asked.

"Yeah she's okay she just needs some alone time" she said.

"Well that made me feel a bit better" I said.

"Well now that you feel a bit better, can you please eat something" she asked.

I sighed and said "yeah whatever"

"Thank you, you look sick" she said.

We talked for a bit before coolie came upstairs with a bowl of soup.

"Eat up buddy boy" he said.

I grabbed the bowl, rolled my eyes, and started eating. This shit feels like hot glass going down.

I could feel that they were looking at me so I said "if your gonna stare at me, I'm not gonna eat"

They looked away and started talking about random stuff.


Miyah POV

Ool ended up falling asleep.

"Thanks for making him feel a lil bit better with your corny ass jokes" coolie said as I walked towards the door.

"Yeah right you know I'm funny" I said.

"Whatever brah" he said, waving me off.

We shared a brief hug which made me happy, remembering the old days when everything was just fine.

"I'm gonna get going, you need a ride" I asked.

"Nah Imma stay here with him, thanks tho" He said.

"Okay bye" I said as I walked out the door.

Coolie POV

"Bye" I said before closing the door and sitting on the couch, turning on the tv and watching a random movie.

I ended falling asleep during the movie.

Is this trash? ~miyah

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