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Coolie POV

"Miyah, wake up" I said.

"What" she mumbled.

"Valerie's pregnant" I said.

She shot up and looked me with wide eyes.

"Really" she asked.

"Yes, really" I said.

"I'm gonna be an auntie" she shouted.

"Calm down, calm down" I said.

She calmed down a bit and sat on the bed while doing a little dance. She's so cute.

"I can't wait to find out the gender of the baby" she said making me laugh.

After talking about our predictions and stuff we went back to sleep.


When I woke up, miyah was still asleep and she looked so beautiful. I moved her hair out of her face and kissed her softly on her lips making her smirk in her sleep.

I got up, put on some decent clothes and left the house to go get something to eat. I left her a text letting her know that I left.

We I got back she was awake.

"Hey, I brought food" I said.

"I know, I saw your text" her raspy, sleepy voice spoke.

I gave her the food and we ate, talked, and laughed.

"We have to go check val and ool later on" she said.

"Yeah but right now let's go somewhere" I said.

"Okay, where are we going" she asked.

"Where ever you wanna go" 

"I wanna go skating" she said excitedly, making me giggle.

"Okay well lemme take you home so you can get ready"


Miyah POV

When I got home my mom was sitting on the couch.

"Where were you" she asked.

"I was at Val's house" I said while trying to walk upstairs to my room.

"Miyah, don't lie. Her mom told me that she doesn't even know where Valerie is" she said. I rolled my eyes and turned around to face her.

"Now tell me where you were" she said sternly.

"I was a boy's house. Are you happy now" I said.

"No I'm not happy. Why the hell were you at boy's house" she asked.

"I'm not about to explain or argue with you" I said while walking to my room.

I took a shower, put on some light makeup, and put on this

Once I was done getting ready, I called Danny to come get me

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Once I was done getting ready, I called Danny to come get me.

While I was waiting for him I called Valerie.

"Hello" she answered.

"Congratulations girly" I said excitedly.

"Thank you sis" she said,

We talked for a lil while and then coolie came to pick me up.

"Look at you, glowing and stuff" I said.

"I guess when I'm not being an asshole, my skin glows" he said. I playfully rolled my eyes and enjoyed the scenes while we drove.

Valerie pov

Right now I'm sick as fuck and I keep throwing up.

"Maybe you shouldn't eat for a while" Ool said.

"Yeah you're right" i said.

We sat there in silence for a little bit before he spoke.

"I'm sorry Valerie" he mumbled while fiddling with his fingers.

"It's okay, I'm gonna get through this " I said.

He gave me a peck on my lips and looked at me in my eyes.

"We're gonna get through this" he corrected me, making me smile.

We started to cuddle and talk until coolie called me.

"Hey, we at this skating rink, y'all wanna meet up
With us" he asked.

"Yeah sure" I said.

"Aight see you in a few" he said before hanging up.

"Come on were meeting up with miyah and coolie" I said to ool.

"Aight" He said while getting up.

We got ready and left.


When we got there, we saw that miyah and coolie were already skating. We got our skates and we went over to the floor.

"Don't let me fall" I said while holding ools arm.

"I'm not" he said.

Ool pov

While we were skating, someone started to shoot up the place so I grabbed Valerie and we ran.

Miyah came out right behind us but there was no sign of coolie.

"You guys I can't find coolie- we were running and I lost him" she while crying.

"Miyah calm down, he probably got lost in the crowd or something. Y'all stay here while I go find him" I said.

They said okay and I went inside to go find him.

I found him still inside.

"What are you doing man" I asked.

"I can't find miyah" he said.

"She's outside with Valerie but she thought she lost you" I said.

"Oh shit let's go then" he said.

We walked outside and miyah jumped in his arms.

"I thought you were dead" she mumbled while still crying.

"It's okay I'm right here" he said.

"Awee they're so cute" val whispered to me.

"I know right"

A few minutes we left and took everyone home and we went home.

"You feeling alright" I asked Valerie.

"Yeah I'm just really tired" she said as she yawned.

We laid in the bed, watched a movie, and I played with her hair until she fell asleep.

A/N make sure you vote~ miyah

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