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It had been a few days since your shore-leave with Saru. Those close moments you spent with him were still fresh in your mind and to remember them filled you with a warmth you had never felt before. You couldn't really explain it- or, well, you could explain it, you just didn't want to. You didn't want to face the truth of the matter: you liked Saru. A lot.

At least you were decent at hiding it, because Saru hadn't been treating you any differently. In fact, ever since your shore-leave together Saru had been friendlier towards you, especially during your recreational time. You half-hoped that this was just him being more comfortable with you as a companion, because you seriously didn't think things would work out how you'd want them to. However, another part of you hoped that this friendliness was him trying to show romantic interest in you.

But for right now, you let the logical part in you overpower your emotions. If this was just him being nice, you didn't want to have to deal with the heartbreak and awkwardness of possible rejection.

It was now finally approaching your off time. To distract your mind, you decided you would go into the gym and get in a bit of a workout. Throughout most of the day, your internal conflict over Saru had been snagging at your mind and you just wanted to get away from that battle, at least for an hour or two. Now in your workout clothes, a tee-shirt and some shorts, you made your way to the gym alone.

The gym was empty when you arrived, but you didn't mind. In fact, you preferred that. You weren't one for conversation during workouts anyways. However, this moment was short-lived as you heard the door slide open behind you. You turned around and your eyes laid upon your first officer: Michael Burnham. She was in the same outfit as you, and had a smile on her face.

"Oh, good afternoon, commander," you greeted her with a smile. Michael nodded her head as she approached you.

"Good afternoon. I was hoping to catch you alone," Michael began. You raised a brow.

"Oh? Did you want to talk to me, commander?" You were a little confused.

"Yes, but I didn't want to ask while we were both on duty, since this is a more personal matter." Michael walked over to a box and pulled out a rolled up yoga mat, then looked to you with a smile. "Please, join me."

With a nod, feeling slightly nervous, you came over to the same box and pulled out a mat for yourself. Both you and Michael stepped over to an empty space on the floor and unrolled your mats next to each other. "What did you want to talk about, commander?" You asked as you took a seat on your mat. Michael did the same.

"Well... I wanted to ask you about your shore-leave. With Saru." Her voice had a tinge of amusement.

You felt your heart stop for a moment as she finished that sentence. Your face flushed faintly, and you looked to Michael. She had a playful smirk across her lips. "Oh, um... O-of course. What about it?" You hoped with all your heart that she wasn't going to ask what you think she was going to ask.

"I heard that you and Saru had quite a bit of fun. You went to the Laikan Art Museum, and had dinner together, yes?" Michael asked as she straightened out her legs in front of her and reached to her feet. You did the same, feeling a nice stretch in your thighs and lower back.

"Ah, uh.. Yes, that's correct," you said as you held your stretch, glancing at Michael out of the corner of your eye. "...Where did you hear this, commander?" Michael's smirk widened as she sat back up straight. You followed her movements.

"Word travels fast in a ship like this," Michael chuckled. She began to stretch her arms upward, reaching to the ceiling. As you did the same, feeling your sides open and release tension, she continued: "And not only did I hear about your museum adventure and dinner date, I heard you two held hands."

Your face flushed a deeper shade of red as you dropped your arms to the floor. Michael laughed a little as she lowered her arms as well. You looked to her, blushing deep. "Well... You aren't exactly wrong... But it's just a bit of hand holding. It's not like we're in elementary school, commander. Friends can do that." Michael shrugged her shoulders, grinning.

"I know, I know," she giggled, "but I can't help but think there's something more to it. Your dynamic with Saru has changed dramatically since that shore-leave." Michael did have a point there; he was a lot friendlier, more comfortable. "Saru is almost a brother to me, so I think I know when something's different with him."

"Commander, I don't quite know what you're trying to get across to me... But lieutenant Saru and I are just friends," you interjected gently. Michael looked at you, raising an eyebrow curiously. "I'm just happy he's more comfortable in my company. There's nothing to it, commander." The first officer nodded her head in understanding.

"Well, if you're sure," she replied. "I know this is a strange conversation for you. It is for me too. We aren't close, not like you and Saru." Michael's tone was gentle, but felt genuine and serious. "I guess I just... wanted to give you a bit of advice. But only if you want it, of course." You glanced at Michael curiously.

"Go ahead, commander." You nodded to her. Michael turned her head to you, looking you in the eyes with a warm smile.

"If you feel, at any point, like your friendship with Saru is becoming something more... Go for it. Become closer with him. Nothing's stopping you. I think your relationship with him is already beautiful, and seeing it grow would be a wonderful experience for you, him and everyone else on the ship." Your heart fluttered at her words, like excited birds in a cage. Michael continued on: "I think the lieutenant commander could really use a friend like you. He's the only one of his kind here, I can imagine he may feel pretty isolated." You nodded, now understanding what Michael was trying to say.

You both then paused for a moment. Looking down at your lap, you went deep into thought. Saru probably was pretty lonely. As a human at least you had the luxury of having other humans to relate to on board. For Saru, however, he had no one he could relate to on that kind of level. Even though he was surrounded by other crewmembers, it couldn't be the same as talking to your own kind. You now knew just how much having a close friend probably meant to the Kelpien.

You raised your head and looked back to the first officer, your lips softly curling into a smile. "Thank you, commander. I'll be sure to keep all of this in mind. It means a lot to me that you'd want to help me in this way, to be honest." Michael put a hand on your shoulder.

"Good, I'm glad I could help," she said with a nod. "Now, why don't we finish up these stretches? I know a few Vulcan techniques that feel fantastic." You both laughed gently.

"Of course, commander."


author: i know, this was a quick and short update; sorry!! but i wanted to try playing with another character. ;v; i also wanted to try humanizing the situation (if that makes sense), by showing the reader character interacting with people that aren't just saru for once. as they say; change is good!! speaking of change; ill be trying to update more frequently by writing up multiple chapters and keeping them as drafts until i feel like publishing them; that way i wont just drop off of writing as soon as a write a chapter. the chapters will vary in word count due to this, but at least you guys will get more content!

i have another update coming up real soon! it's kinda short as well, but it'll really get the ball rolling in terms of where the story is gonna go. working with just the pre-war situation is getting a bit difficult for me now. i have a lot of ideas for this fic, now that the second season is done with. i hope you will all continue to support me and my story!! your attention and patience means a lot to me!!!!

also, ive been meaning to ask this; should i change this story's name? the original title, 'biology is an interesting thing', was just something i came up with on the spot and when i didnt plan to further the story past the first two chapters. i dont really like it anymore, but im not sure what to change it to; please tell me how you feel about this idea, id love a lil bit of feedback. ;v; im definitely changing the cover though, i hope you guys like it!!

[Star Trek: Discovery] : Saru x Reader : Growing TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now