The Big Reveal

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Then dad shows me, my first time being in a vlog. This is great! I hope everyone likes me. I put on a smile for the camera. I introduce myself, and explain why I didn't want to be in the vlogs until now. Yada yada yada...

After that, the other kids head off to school, I stay home because my school doesn't start for another hour.

"So honey, you excited to be in the vlogs? Because I'm really excited for you, it's a big milestone," dad says happily,

"I'm really happy. I just am I worried about what everyone will think of you for hiding one of the kids for almost 6 years, and for also me hating the idea of being on YouTube until now," I say sort of sheepishly,

"Honey, it'll be completely fine, don't worry one bit. But it's 8:40 time to go, we don't want to be late!" dad says, and then pulls out the vlogging camera

I get to school, and I'm in my first period class, when I hear, "oh my god look at that stupid girl with short hair, doesn't she know that she can't have it at this school?" my worst enemy Katrina says, I turn around and glare. Ignoring the fact that I can have short hair here. The whole day was full of her constant remarks about my looks, personality and my likes.

"So honey how was your first day of school?" mom asks after I get in the car, "okay, I guess, all my classes were fun, it was just Katrina, she's in all my classes," I say almost in tears,

"Oh honey, I'm sorry," mom says before she knows the whole story,

"She bullied me the whole day! I can't take it for another 9 months!" I almost yell, trying to stay strong,

"Honey! I am so sorry, I will talk to your father about this when we get home," she says obviously shocked,

"Thanks mom," I say

"Here, I brought your phone and headphones for music," she says with a happier face,

"Thanks!" I say trying to perk up, I put my earbuds in, and start my nirvana playlist. I start to rock out, mom laughs because she can hear me mumbling the lyrics to About a Girl, one of my favorites songs by them.

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