I sigh. "Hm," is my feeble greeting.

L steps out of the lit corridor and into my gloomy room.

I feel so depressed right now...

"Everyone's downstairs... we think it was Kira, but..." L pauses. "How are you?"

I sigh and burry my face in the pillows.

"Gazing aimlessly out the window isn't going to stop him," he says.

"I know."

L frowns deeply. "Come down with me, Mello and Near are worried."

"No..." I say tonelessly, "I don't wanna go anywhere."

L sighs and leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

I go back to gazing aimlessly out the window.

"Can't you bring her back? Turn back time or something...?"

Damian's eyes aren't narrowed, nor do they hold much in the way of sympathy. "I'm sorry, that just isn't allowed."

"Why?" I say pleadingly. "Why can't you do it?"

He turns his feathery back to me. "Lola, when humans die they don't come back."

I must have dozed off, because the next thing I know Mello is trying to force-feed me chocolate.

"Hey... stop," I murmur half-heartedly.

"It'll help," he says, giving me no choice but to take the bar.

I bite into the chocolate, and the sweetness fills my whole body.

This stuff is a drug.

I swear...

L's arms wrap around me snugly from behind.

"Why are you all here? I'm depressed. You're meant to leave me alone," I say.

"We don't want to," Near tells me, more sincere than I've ever heard before. "Plus, the feeling is mutual."

"I know... I'll get over it eventually... move on..."

I can't see a day from here when I won't be miserable.

Everyone sits on the sofa and watches the rain.

Near breathes on the window and draws sad faces in the condensation.

"The truth is... we'll be grieving forever. We'll never get over it, only learn to live with it." L lets me rest my head on his shoulder. "And then... we'll rebuild ourselves around it, but we won't be quite the same."

"Yes, that's true," Near says. "You haven't experienced death before, have you?" he asks me.


"Well, it certainly doesn't get any easier..." Mello mutters, his eyes drawn to the chocolate bar in my hand.

That's right... they're all orphans.

That doesn't necessarily mean they remember loosing their parents, or that they died...

But I guess I can assume that, based on what they're telling me now.

"You're right," I say, "just... give me a few days..."

L smiles sadly. "Lola, we don't have a few days."


My name...

Near turns to us. "Oh, is it time for a proper introduction then?" he asks.


It's about time they knew my name.

"Yeah, hello, I'm Lola," I say.

Mello grins. "You seem like a Lola."


"I'm L," says L.

Mello rolls his eyes. "We know that!"

"No," L tugs his lip, "I genuinely am L."

"That's your name?" Near looks mildly amused. "Hmm.. we knew it all along..." he twirls his hair around his finger.

"I'm Mihael." The chocolate addict decides he's next in line to reveal his name, looking smugly at Near.

It's his turn.

"Nate," he says simply.

I manage a faint smile. "Nice to meet you all."


(dream, not weird Damian thing, ok?)

"You'll only use Misa! You don't care about her."

"That's not true..."

"Light loves her! She's happy with him."


Rem turns to dust.

Somehow I already know she's killed them all.

I decide to just die as well.

But Mihael is still alive, so I can't.


Someone pokes my face.


"You're dreaming, were you aware?"

"No..." I grunt.

"I thought as much," Nate says blandly.

"That was a nightmare..." I shiver and sit up.

Everyone's in my bed.

No wonder I can barely move.

I have a pretty big bed, but Mihael likes to lie sideways for some reason.

"What happened in the nightmare?" Nate asks me.

"Everyone died..." I whisper.

"Oh," he twirls his hair, "I find that dreams are generally a refection of what's on ones mind, and... I don't think you're planning to murder us all, so you're worried we'll be killed by Kira?"

"Yeah," I hug my chest, "that's about right."

He doesn't say anything.

"It's L's birthday tomorrow," I say in a hushed voice.

"That's nice..." Nate yawns, "I'm cold, would you keep me warm please?"

"Oh, sure..." I wrap my arms around his small self.


"Thank you."

He's too adorable to say no to, anyway.


Yes, I just killed Naomi off (again).


Oh well.

It was very much necessary, Naomi had no more to add to this story and would have been a pointless waste of a character had I decided to keep her alive.

This is better because it allows Lola to develop as a person, I guess...


- Mwua

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