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// I'm editing : Katsurou's eyes are red, not green foudbkjdnnkdjn

"Ma, why are we celebrating for him anyways? It's not like he'll come home." Katsurou says, helping his dad put candles on his cake, Izuku patiently smiles.

"Katsurou... I'm sure your dad will appreciate the effort."

"I'll appreciate it more if he can actually come home and eat cake with us. I've only been conscious for about a year and a half and I haven't seen him stay for more than two days. Let's just eat the cake for ourselves."

"Katsurou!" Izuku huffs, "If you keep acting like this, no ice cream after dinner."

"Sorry mum." Katsurou mumbles, "Seriously, he can't even get himself a day off on his birthday? M starting to think he's  doing this on purpose-"

"Katsurou. Not another word." Katsurou nodded and shut up, Izuku sighed,

He's been suspecting it too, Katsuki is almost never home, he knows he shouldn't doubt his husband like this but seriously, it is a bit irritating. When he comes home he's battered and tired, usually just sleeps, cuddles with Izuku, eats, sometimes he cooks them something before he leaves again, he can't even cut some time off for his son and it's getting on Izuku's nerves.

"You know what, you're right." Izuku huffs, taking his phone and immediately calling Katsuki. Katsuki doesn't answer his 3 calls in a row and Katsurou snickers.

Finally, Katsuki answers.

"H-Hey! What's up-"

"Katsuki Bakugou If you are not home in 2 hours I will drag you out of that agency myself!"

There was a pause before Katsuki replies.

"Babe c'mon, there's a-"

"There are over a thousand proheroes and sidekicks in Japan, if they can't handle it, they're clearly not competent enough I swear to god if you don't come home right now I'll-.... if you don't come home right now I am tossing our bed out of the house and ordering a single bed for me myself only and you will only sleep in your office for the rest of your life and I will never allow you to sleep on the same bed as me ever again and you will regret it!" Izuku hisses then he drops the call, he gets about 10 calls from Katsuki which he declines all before he just mutes his phone.

On the other end of the line, Katsuki grits his teeth as Izuku keeps on declining his calls.

"Haha, finally got chewed out by your husband for not coming home? Thought it would happen sooner than this." Hawks laughed as he leaned over to check his phone, "harsh, that's a lot of missed calls, you've really messed up now buddy."

"Shut up I'm trying to explain myself here-!"

"Maybe it's just better to come home? It's your birthday, your son hasn't seen his daddy in a long long while, you spend more time here than in your home, it's kind of sad."


"I'll take care of things here, you just go and make sure you aren't disowned by your husband, kay?" Hawks laughed, pushing him out of the office, "Seriously, take a break. We're all proheroes too, we can handle whatever threat will be there."

And so Katsuki began his journey back home. First of all, he needs to get gifts, there's no way he can get there without Izuku being mad at him but hopefully the gifts will deflect it back a bit? Katsurou too, especially Katsuki, that guy is just waiting for an opportunity to tear into Katsuki, especially since he didn't spend a week with them last time and had to leave after 4 days, he has a lot to make up to.

Katsuki's journey to parenthood ( BNHA medusa au ficlet )Where stories live. Discover now