Play Time and Quirks

Start from the beginning

"Go get (Y/N), lunch is ready," he said flatly. The blonde stopped his bickering abruptly and ran to the small girl's room. Aizawa sighed, a small moments peace. He placed a pair of chopsticks beside each bowl, he let out a sigh and leaned his back against the table.

The topic of a quirk has never been brought up in the orphanage, not in the papers, not by the owner, not even by the chatterbox. Was (Y/N) quirkless? Is that why the children treated her so brutally? Shouta rubbed his eyes as he waited for his daughter and husband to come into the dining room. He could hear laughter coming from (Y/N)'s room, he should had expected it sending Hizashi to get her. Very well, it gave Aizawa more time to think.

Quirks had seemed to be the key of survival in a person's life, despite his cold heart and sour attitude toward everything, the ravenette would hate to see his child picked on until the point she's broken over something she can't control. Not to mention how limited her occupations choices would be when she grew older. No matter how much he denied it, he loved (Y/N) with every tiny part of his heart. And he knew it. The only reason he had agreed to adopt the girl was to get her away from the horrible environment, wasn't that what a pro hero was supposed to do? If she was quirkless all of that would just be canceled out. She'd be thrown around like a pawn. What are doing Shouta? Knock it off she'll be fine. The man mentally scolded himself. He clicked his tongue as he heard the soft pitter patter of footsteps, he heard louder ones come in just a second after. That must have been Hizashi chasing around (Y/N) into the dining room.

To his surprise, he saw the grown man running around for his life while their little five year old daughter chased him around. He took a closer look, it made sense now, (Y/N) wore a fake doctor's coat and held a play syringe in her hand, while her stuffed animal was dressed as a nurse in her other arm. Aizawa rolled his eyes, unimpressed by his spouse's childish behavior. (Y/N) grabbed onto the blonde's sleeve and poked his arm with the toy. Hizashi being the dramatic man he was, grabbed his arm in 'pain' and flopped onto the ground sticking his tongue out of his mouth to play dead. (Y/N) giggled and placed her hands on her hips, she shook her head in disappointment.

"You're a very bad patient, Papa" she playfully scolded. Hizashi lifted his head and stifled a chuckled.

"You killed meeeeee," he groaned, he dropped his head back onto the ground. Throughout this little play time. Shouta stood watching at the table, he clicked his tongue and sighed. (Y/N) felt herself be picked up from behind and being placed on the chair. She looked up to her father walking past the back of her seat, sporting his normal poker face. She smiled and placed her stuffed animal on her lap and fake doctor supplies next to her on the chair.

Shouta walked over to the energetic man laying on the ground. He stared for a moment with dull and unamused eyes, then threw a booted foot into poor Present Mic's side. (Y/N) felt bad for laughing, but the way Yamada curled in a ball and weezed was much too funny not to give a reaction.

"Get up," Shouta muttered before simply walking over to his seat and sitting down. Hizashi slowly pushed himself to his feet and got to his chair. The three started eating in silence, Hizashi glanced around uncomfortably. He placed his chopsticks down and cleared his throat in an awkward manner.

"So, you got a quirk yet little listener?" He asked, it was difficult to mask how uncomfortable he was to ask the question with his cheerful mood, and Shouta being married to him for years could tell. The (H/C)-ette abruptly stopped. She placed her chopsticks next to the bowl and chuckled nervously.

"Not yet actually, I'm still waiting." She frowned. (Y/N) felt that Shouta and Hizashi would send her back to the orphanage if she didn't develop a quirk soon. The thought scared her half to death, it was her dream come true when she was adopted and was finally able to escape the horrid kids. She was tired of being treated no better than a helpless little lamb in a slaughter house. Which was exactly what she was in that orphanage. A helpless little five year old, who could do nothing about the older kids constantly picking on her and assaulting her. Even though she never knew why, the kids would show no mercy to the little girl. Just recalling a simple memory urges tears from her eyes.

The couple glanced at each other. The blonde gridded his teeth and looked back at (Y/N).

"Don't worry your pretty little head about a quirk, we'll getcha checked out tomorrow!" He replied. (Y/N) smiled gleefully and nodded her head. She hoped for the best, what could go wrong? Worst comes to worst, she's quirkless and they send her back to the orphanage and she's back with all the kids... Okay, maybe there's a lot that could go wrong.

The next day, the three went to visit a quirk specialist to see what kind of quirk (Y/N) would develop. (Y/N) would be lying if she said she wasn't excited. Throughout her short life, she had seen such amazing quirks, not to mention her fathers' quirks. They both were very powerful and she wished for her's to be like them.

The family sat in the waiting room, (Y/N) on Hizashi's lap. He bounced her up and down, the two's quiet laughter filled the room. Hizashi stopped the bouncing and put a finger over his lips, as a way to tell (Y/N) to be quiet. He reached behind his head and took the hair elastic out of his long blonde hair. His messy bun fell loose, his hair reaching his lower back. The man turned to face his husband who was asleep on his hand. He pulled back the elastic and flung it at him. Aizawa shot awake and nearly fell off of the chair. (Y/N) and her father bursted into laughter. If looks could kill, Hizashi would be six feet under.

Their small family moment was interrupted by a feminine voice calling from the side of the waiting room. "(Y/N)"

The three sat in a room after along while of tests and x-rays, (Y/N) sat on Hizashi's lap once again. Shouta anxiously tapped his heel on the ground repeatedly. A short man with thinning grey hair in a white coat walking in the door and sat on a stool in front of them. He shook the men's hand and fixed his glasses.

"So we ran multiple tests and we came to a conclusion," he started. He turned on a screen, it showed a picture of (Y/N)'s voice box. (Y/N) bounced excitedly on her dad's knee, as the ravenette and the blonde clenched their fists in anxiety.

"I did notice an abnormally in her voice box. As you can see, some of her vocal cords are bent strangely." He went on. Shouta clutched his sleeve, what did this mean? Was she quirkless?

"And because of this, it is likely she will have a voice related quirk." He concluded. Shouta let out a breath. Hizashi squeezed (Y/N) into a hug while she squealed happily.

"So don't worry little one, you're just a late bloomer is all." He smiled while he ruffled the young girl's (H/C) hair. (Y/N) couldn't describe how happy she was to find out she would have a quirk. This came in a close second to just a month ago. She bounced up and down on her dad's knee.

The three returned home, (Y/N) happily skipping every foot of the way. The family was very happy to know (Y/N) would fit in and have a quirk. And Hizashi was exstactic to find out his daughter would have a quirk similar to him, even if their not blood related. What a small world.

Later that night, Hizashi was making dinner while Shouta day on the couch grading papers. Hizashi had music playing and belted along to the lyrics having no trouble at all hitting all the notes. (Y/N) sat with Shouts snuggled up against his side, his hand on her head stroking her hair. (Y/N) calmly sang along to the song that blasted from the kitchen. As she sang along, Hizashi began to notice he was having trouble singing at the loud volume and notes he was hitting with ease just a moment ago. While Shouta began to notice his eyelids began to droop, that's when it hit them. Hizashi stopped cooking, Shouta stopped grading. They stared at each other and stared at (Y/N) who was innocently singing along to the music.

(Y/N) Aizawa-Yamada
Quirk: Lullaby

She has the power to weaken anyone's quirks, and put people to sleep by singing. Overuse can cause sore throat to muteism.

Welp! That concludes that chapter! It's a bit longer than my other ones, but who cares?! Anyhow! I'm sorry it took so long, life sucks. So how did you like it? I. NEED. MORE. REQUESTS. Next chapter will be about her first day of school and Shouta's and Hizashi's day at work. Anything interesting that could happen? Let me know! Until next time friends! PLUS ULTRA

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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