I found Sara in the classes later, so I went to her and told about the extra time I had to stay at school, she scolded me for agreeing because she never wanted to leave me alone, so I had to promise her to go on picnics and parties with her, whenever she wanted. She made a good deal for herself and agreed to my decision. Then she asked me whom I was going to teach, apparently, I didnt know the answer, so she eye rolled and put her head down.

We seated ourselves for the last class, it was draining as hell, and everyone looked exhausted. The teacher continued, "And see students we follow a rule. Rule of mathematics..." I was half sleeping, Sara nudged me and I zapped awake. "He is looking at you" she whispered and gestured me to look back. I turned around and saw Rihaan staring at me, he looked away immediately so that I could not notice, but I saw him looking at me. I instantly looked forward with eyes wide open, I sat in the same position for the remaining lecture, without even blinking my eyes, and Sara was giggling beside me. When the class was over, I managed to move and went out, waved Sara goodbye and rushed towards the washroom. I washed my face several times to remove the exhausted look and went to the chemistry class where I had someone waiting for me. And to my astonishment, I saw Rihaan sitting there with his eyes on his cellphone, I pretended that I didnt notice him and took a seat inside the class. As soon as I seated myself and took out my book, I felt someone seated beside me. I looked to my side and saw Rihaan there, for the first time he was this close to me and he had a very beautiful smile on his face, I smiled back at him but I was feeling extremely awkward in the moment.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" he asked politely, he looked like a totally different person this time. More gentle than before.

"I am here to teach chemistry to someone, who will be arriving soon." I replied,

"Whoa! You dont know with whom you will be going to spend your two hours at School all alone and still agreed to do that. You dont seem so brave, but now I feel you are. Interesting!" He said,

"How do you know I am here for two hours?" I asked, he grinned a bit and answered

"Well ma'am, I am that someone. You are here to teach me, and I think its going to be more fun than I assumed." He smiled again,

"Why are you behaving so nice today? I mean when we met in the parking yesterday you were so rude, like a monster or something." I smirked,

"Monster huh...! Well, you are good at keeping names too, like yesterday you called me Mr. Whatever and today, I am a monster. These two hours are going to be amazing. Ill be looking forward to it every day." He came closer and whispered.

"Now... now that I know you are the one whom I have to teach, we should be getting started." I stammered a little, having him close to me.

"Yes ma'am." He teased me and sat back.

He opened his books and we started studying. I kept on speaking and he kept listening. After an hour I declared a break, because I was starving and my stomach had started making weird sounds which may have been audible if I did not stop. He was quiet the whole time, I asked him if he wanted to come with me to the canteen, he nodded and we walked together. We grabbed our snacks and seated on the same place where we first met, the corner table. As we were eating, I was observing him. He seemed very polite and kind. I wonder why he was all grumpy till yesterday. Maybe something would have happened, should I ask or maybe I should not. The surroundings were mild, none of us spoke. Forthwith, I remembered my dream and took a sudden sip of coke to which I started coughing. He came closer and rubbed my back gently, I calmed myself and turned my face to his side, our lips were an inch away and our eyes locked for a moment. All at once I backed him off, to which he was baffled. His eyes were finding answers which he didnt get as I looked down on the table. He held my hands with both of his, I shifted my gaze to him, and his lips started moving. He was speaking in a low and soothing tone,

"I am sorry for yesterday, but dont think of me as a monster. I know I am rude sometimes but thats not who I am, there are situations which make me like that. Ive never opened myself to anyone but with you I felt different and I can be a beast for everyone but not for you, please dont picture me like that. Trust me." He said calmly

His voice was intense, I was lost in his eyes. He wanted me to trust him but I didnt know what to say, so I just kept quiet. He smiled and so did I, he was still holding my hands, his thumb was moving gently on my knuckles. I felt like he was touching my soul, there was a deep pain and loneliness in his eyes, "Will you forgive me?" he asked, I nodded and smiled. His eyes lit up in a relief, and that was the most mesmerizing thing I ever saw. I never wanted the moment to end but eventually, it did and we went back to class.

As I started teaching again, he sat beside me, with his face resting on his palm and was listening with utter concentration. I laughed on seeing him like this, "What?" he asked, "I wonder you are this attentive in every lecture." I answered. He laughed and said, "Maybe I will if you are teaching." He winked at me. My cheeks filled with scarlet, I turned around as I got butterflies, he was still laughing, and it was melting my heart, I was losing myself, I closed my and said to myself "Don't be a fool" and turned back facing him, "ohh...! Ms. Whosoever is blushing" he said. "Don't call me that again" I replied and we both burst out laughing. Then we continued with chemistry a few more minutes and finished the two hours enjoying each others company.

He asked to drive me home, I hesitated a little, because I never went home with anyone except for Sara and also he drove a bike. I was unable to answer so he assured me that he will drive slowly. Though I knew I wouldnt mind even if we went fast but I agreed to him. We were riding on his bike to my home, there was an awkward silence which I wanted to break and so I questioned him "Why you wanted to study even after school?" "I'll answer that some other time." He replied, and it was quiet again. He dropped me home and left with a smile. I went inside, Sara and mom were there together. Sara asked me how I came home and I answered her that Rihaan dropped me. She jumped on hearing that and asked if he is the one I am going to teach every day, I said yes, and she hugged me excitedly and said, "Finally you are interacting with someone rather than me in the school and that too with the most handsome and mysterious guy, I am very happy today." I looked at mom and she was smiling too.

I told Sara everything that happened, and her eyes were wide open, she was listening with keen interest as I spoke. We talked for hours until mom called us for dinner. Sara went home, I asked her to stay but she apologized as she had guests coming to her home. I and mom were having dinner and she was asking me about Rihaan. I told her everything, and she asked me to invite him home to meet her. I said Ill try, and we talked about other things.

A text from an unknown number blinked on my cellphone. It said, 'good night', 'who's this?' I asked. 'Find it yourself ma'am' I got a reply. I figured out, it was Rihaan. I was blushing again. I texted him goodnight and left the phone.

Dear Diary,

I have someone I my life now and I think it is Rihaan, I don't want to fall for him, but I cant help. Mom asked to invite him at home tomorrow. Lets see what happens.

Good night.

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