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Louis: Fuck shit shit

Louis: Please forget about my last messages, I was clearly drunk

Harry: I'd rather not forget about it tbh
I'm really flattered

Louis: wtf?!
You're so weird istg I don't even understand how you have so many fans

Harry: Says the guy who had a wet dream about me😉

Louis: Harry istg

Harry: Okay, I'll stop
But don't feel bad about it, I'm the one who net-stalked you, remember?

Louis: Oh, I completely forgot about that, why did you do it anyway?

Harry: 'cause I couldn't stop thinking about you since the day I met you
But don't worry, meeting you at the Starbucks was completely coincidence, I'm not an actual stalker even though you have the certain charm to attract people

Louis: Wait, are you...flirting with me?

Harry: I am

Louis: What?! I thought you're straight???

Harry: That's what the media says

Louis: Are you even allowed to come out to me like this? Do I have to sign NDA now? Oh god what do I do

Harry: Lou, calm down
I told you because I trust you and I'm very much interested in you

Louis: Well...the feeling is mutual

Harry: Good, 'cause I've been meaning to ask you out quite some time and I feel like now is a good time

Louis: What? Really?

Harry: Really

Louis: But is it allowed? Like what if we get caught?

Harry: Then they'll just think we're friends and I mean, it's not wrong, we're not together

Harry: Yet😏

Louis: Okay, yeah I'd really like that

Harry: Yeah? Then I'll make a reservation at the restaurant I usually go to, I'll book the whole place so you don't have to worry about being watched or something

Louis: Harry, you don't have to do that

Harry: But I want to, I wanna spend time with you without worrying about being watched or eavesdropped

Louis: Ok, I understand

Harry: Can't wait to meet you again

Louis: Me neither

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