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Louis: Stranger things have happened

Niall: What is it now?

Louis: Harry Styles came to Starbucks again and he remembered me???

Zayn: I mean, he came yesterday too, so it's not that strange that he remembered you

Louis: That's not what I meant!
He told me that he remembered me from the book signing and asked me if my sister liked his autograph

Zayn: Oh, then that's strange yeah

Louis: Is it normal for celebrities to remember fans they met almost a month ago? Not to mention I'm not his actual fan

Niall: Either he has a really good memory or you stood out amongst all the fans considering you were a guy in thousands of teenage fangirls

Louis: When you put it like that, it kinda makes sense since I was probably one of very few guys that day
And maybe the fact that I wasn't his fan ironically made me stand out to him

Niall: haha, his fans are gonna be so jealous lol

Louis: I won't tell Lottie, I love myself too much to do that

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