Full Moon Adventures

Start from the beginning

The bright white moon that hung in the air stared down at them all and most likely scolding them all silently for being under its illuminating gaze. The trio of boys and their red-haired stalker walked for a while before they made it quite a ways away from the castle. Iris pressed herself up against a tree in order to make sure that the boys didn't see her as they started to walk out into a clearing. She was running out of places to hide now that they were out there and feared that she would lose sight of them.

However, what she didn't suspect was for the boys to head over to the Whomping Willow. The enormous tree loomed in the moonlight. It's branches ached and moved on its own as the tree itself was a living entity. No one would ever dare get close to the tree... well, besides the occasional first year who would be dared to see how close they could actually get. Every time that ended with the dared students taking a trip to Madam Pomfrey to get their bones mended.

Yet Iris didn't really know why the boys were headed right towards it. She was starting to become slightly worried over the fact that the boys may get hurt. What in Merlin's name are they doing? She asked herself but obviously didn't get an answer.

She could see that they were talking with each other, but she couldn't hear them in the slightest. "Just hurry up, Peter!" She was unable to hear James urge Peter.

Iris was able to see the meek, chubby teen nodded his head rapidly and take a quick breath before facing the tree. Anxiety pooled in her stomach as she watched her friend get closer to the restless tree. In turn, the tree noticed the plump boy's presence and was getting ready to strike him.

The redhead was just about ready to reveal herself and run over to them to stop Peter before he could get himself killed. Though the next things that happened caused Iris to freeze in her spot and stopping her from revealing herself.

The boy's body started to twitch as fur started to sprout on his skin. His mouse-like features started to become more prominent as his arms and legs started to reshape themselves into something completely different. His figure grew smaller and smaller until he was the size of a rat. Actually, as Iris squinted her eyes to see where her friend had gone, she was certain that Peter had transformed into a rat.

He's an animagus. Oh, Merlin, He's an animagus!

Iris was completely astonished by that fact. A friend that she had known for some time was keeping quite a large secret from her. Her wide eyes were glued to that rat that scurried across the grass and was in no way noticed by the Whomping Willow. The rodent got closer to the tree and hopped onto its trunk. It seemed to press a part of the tree that instantly froze the entire tree itself. Iris had never seen anything like that before. She may have been attending Hogwarts for a few months, however, she had never seen that tree be so still before.

Just as she was trying to calm her shock down from finding out that Peter Pettigrew was an animagus, the girl just about had a heart attack due to her shock to what happened next. Both Sirius' and James' bodies started to contort in the same manner as Peter's had, however, they began to transform in two different animals than Peter. Sirius landed on all fours and thick black fur consumed his entire body as he became a large black dog. James also landed on all fours but his arms and legs grew longer as did his neck as he became a stag.

Iris' jaw had hit the ground as she watched her friends, now in animagus forms, trot under the immobile tree and into an opening at its base. A few moments passed before Iris was able to collect her wits. She walked away from the tree she previously had been hiding behind and stumble into the clearing.

She wearily watched the Whopping Willow as it started to move once again. She knew then that if she tried to approach it... it would lash out at her like it usually did. Whatever Peter had done to it had worn off...

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