Chapter 27

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I felt cool all of sudden as soon as he let go of me and wiped his mouth. The look in his deep eyes was as if he was going to devour me anytime soon.

I was in a state of euphoria and yet I still couldn't even come close to guessing what he was thinking. I waited patiently for the answer to my previous question however it wouldn't-go unnoticed that I was oozing fear.

The red revealing dress I put on before so that he could paint me was not making this situation any better. I could feel his eyes lurk all over my figure and I felt exposed. I wrapped my arms around me protectively and he raised one of his eyebrows in return.

"It's a bit too late for that now isn't it?" He announced huskily as he started to close the distance while I moved back.

"What d-do you mean?" My small voice came out squeaky and made me cringe inwardly. My back hit the wall and I was trapped.

"You can quit the act Elise. You honestly expect me to believe you are pure after you just threw yourself at me."

My head spun around as it couldn't stand being insulted to this extent. I recalled everything I had done and questioned myself why? I was doing it because of a pull between us. I was offering my blood in exchange for information. He knew this very clearly. I have never come this close to any other man let alone performed these acts.

My heart has endured enough abuse and it was now hanging from thin veins. My eyes were set on the floor as tears welled up in my eyes.

Stavros brought his hand up to my face and his finger trailed it down to my neck.

"I wonder how many men have explored you."

I slapped him on the face causing him to look away from me.

"Enough!" I exclaimed sobbing. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"You haven't answered my question, Stavros. I can see through your dirty tricks. You are trying to divert my attention." I spat with rage.

"Between you and I, we both know you are the womaniser!" I yelled in fury and I saw Stavros's face contort into one of anger. A taste of his own medicine. His eyes failed to meet mine even once.

I walked out of his room banging the door shut behind me to emphasise my words.

As soon as I reached my room I changed out of the disgusting clothing and vowed to never let him paint me again. I took a long and hot bath while contemplating my life. I did not know what was coming next. If Stavros was the King now, I can't be the princess. I have been gone far too long and did not know a thing about ruling people.

I have however learnt one thing from everything that has happened so far. I have learnt to be tough. From now on I won't let him control me.


The next morning I was woken up by the sound of chirping birds and great weather to go with it, contrary to the state of my heart. I wondered if this is what hurt feels like. I didn't even know what to feel at this point or how to even act.

I decided that some time away from the castle would do me good so at first sign of Matt I asked him to escort me to the town. This time I did not even ask him permission. After all, I was the princess wasn't I. I felt anger rise within me at the fact that he tried to hide this from me.

I pondered on his intentions to bury the truth forever. If I never went to that cryptic room, I wouldn't have discovered the truth. But what difference did it make? I was never a princess let alone treated as a normal human before.

"Contessa, I must know the reason behind your silence. Has something happened?" Matt announced. We were on our way to the markets and Matt guided the horses whilst I sat at the back. Stavros must be furious at my disappearance from the castle.

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